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12 How to Take Initiative at Work:taking Responsibility for your actions In any business situation, there comes a time to bring to a close1 deliberations2, discussions, and analysis3, and to take action. If youre not officially cast in a management role of your organization, taking independent action can be a scary proposition4--after all, it would be much easier to wait for your boss to not only make the decision but to take responsibility for it as well. However, todays organizations cannot afford to employ workers who simply wait to be told what to do.If your business is to thrive5 in the coming years,it needs workers who are willing not only to take chances6 and to make decisions but also to take actions and responsibility for their actions. Fortunately, most managers welcome such initiative7, and they are increasingly willing to give their employees more responsibility, autonomy8, and authority in their jobs.   Were all responsible for our own actions. This fundamental belief is the foundation for all individuals who take initiative and control of their lives. You can be a victim of your circumstances--complaining, feeling sorry for yourself 9,and believing that life is unfair--or you can rise above the negative elements of the current circumstances,be accountable10 for your action, and focus on what can be done to improve or cor rect the situation. Here are some tips for taking responsibility for your actions.   Do what you say youll do. Be a person of your word11. Complete tasks in timely fashion. Dont rely on others to remind you of your commitments, and dont wait to begin a task until it is due. Have a system for staying on top of your commitments, and take the steps necessary to assure successful completion. If you cant fulfill a commitment, tell others prior to12 the deadline, or seek help to meet13 your schedule. Finish what you agree to take on.   Own up14 when you have made a mistake. If you blame another person, a system, or an event for somethin


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