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世界著名的过滤技术 领 先 者 颇尔就在您身边 Pall is All around You 公司概况 Company Profile 公司历史 History of Pall Corporation 公司历史 History of Pall Corporation 颇尔公司Pall Corporation 遍布全球的办事处和工厂 Worldwide Offices and Plants 全球制造能力 Global Manufacturing FY2011各市场销售额 FY2011各区域销售额 核心竞争力 Core Competencies 颇尔公司组织机构 The Pall Organisation 颇尔公司由两部分业务组成,一是工业领域,二是生命科学 Pall Corporation is comprised of two integrated businesses: 颇尔生命科学 Pall Life Sciences 颇尔生命科学 Pall Life Sciences 工业制造 Industrial Manufacturing Mi17直升机(包括Mi8-MT机型) Centrisep先进的发动机保护系统(EAPS) Mi25 直升机 B737、B757及空客A380机舱空气过滤器 颇尔澳大利亚JP2059工程 Pall Australia JP2059 Project 颇尔水处理系统 Pall Water Processing 食品与饮料 Food and Beverage 燃料和化工 Fuels and Chemicals 颇尔工程技术-研究及开发 Pall Engineering - Research and Development 我们的科学家和工程技术人员,用他们治理污染的经验和专长,及他们将这些知识应用于客户各种应用的能力,在业界享有盛誉。 Our scientists and engineers are highly regarded for their contamination expertise and particularly, for their ability to apply this knowledge to customer-specific applications. 颇尔中国总部及制造基地 Beijing Manufacturing Facility David Pall’s invention of porous stainless steel produced the first Pall filter material One of Pall’s successes was the use of a porous metal heat exchanger placed in the backpack of Neil Armstrong’s space suit - a mobile air conditioning unit. Pall’s involvement with the space programme continues to this day 1979 - Three Mile Island: The USA’s most serious nuclear accident required the clarification of water containing radioactive material. By recirculating through Pall filters clarity could be maintained so that workers could remove debris and rubble There is one of these BB100 filters here to have a look at. These are used to filter patients air and control infection These disc shaped “Leukotrap” filters white blood cells to prevent rejection of blood during transfusions. Patients given repeated blood transfusions often developed fevers and allergic reactions that resulted in the body’s rejection of further transfusions. The removal of leukocytes (white bloo


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