The Differences Between Chinese Food and Westen Food课件.pptVIP

The Differences Between Chinese Food and Westen Food课件.ppt

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The Differences Between Chinese Food and Westen Food课件.ppt

西餐经典菜系——煎烤牛排 中餐经典菜系——东安鸡 The different background of history and the way of life lead china and west to be different on the diet . 不同的历史背景,不同的生活方式,导致中西方在饮食上有很大不同 。 The Reasons American table manners Table Layout ? ?* Bread plates are to the left of the main plate, beverage glasses are to the right. 面点餐具放主盘的左侧,饮料杯放右边 ? ?* Salad fork, knife and soup spoon are further from the main plate than the main course knife, fork and spoon. Dessert utensils are either placed above the main plate or served with dessert 色拉刀,小刀,汤匙要远离主盘的刀叉,甜点器具可可放置在主盘上方或者与甜点一同奉上 General Behavior ? ?* Chew with your mouth closed. 咀嚼食物时闭嘴 ? ?* Do not talk at an excessively loud volume. 不要在吃饭时大声说话 ? ?* Refrain from coughing, sneezing or blowing nose at the table. 避免在用餐时咳嗽,打喷嚏,或弄鼻子 ? Do not play with food or table utensils. 不要玩弄食物或器具 ? ?* Do not single out or chastise someone who has shown poor table manners. 不要责备那些餐桌礼仪差的人 ? ?* Do not put your elbows on the table or slouch. 不要把手肘放桌上 Dining ? ?* A prayer or ‘blessing’ may be customary in some families, and the guests should join in even if they are not religious or do not follow the same religion. 祈祷或祷告在某些家庭中是习惯,客人应当加入即使不信宗教或相同的宗教 ? ?* At formal occasions all diners will wait to begin until the hostess or host lifts a fork or spoon. ? ?在正式场合下应等主人先动刀叉用餐 ? * When serving, serve from the left and pick up the dish from the right. Beverages are both served and removed from the right. 服务员应当从左边上菜,从右边收拾盘子,而饮料都从右边 ? ?* Eat soup noiselessly and with the side of the spoon. 喝汤时尽量无声 ? ?* Tea or coffee should never be poured into the saucer to cool but should be sipped from the cup. Alternatively, ice may be used to cool either. ? ?茶或咖啡不能倒入碟中冷却,应该从杯沿中慢慢喝下,可用冰冷却 At the end of the meal ? ?* It is acceptable in most places to not finish all of the food on your plate. 可以允许不吃完所有的碟里的食物 ? ?* ? ?* Except in a public restaurant, do not ask to take some of your uneaten food away from the meal after it ends, especially when hav


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