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The Catcher in the Rye * 1.(1)About the Author Jerome David Salinger ( January 1, 1919 – January 27, 2010) was born in New York City, son of the Jewish businessman doing import business of ham and cheese—a very rich family. 15-year-old Salinger was sent to a military school in Pennsylvania in time to live. It is said that most of the description on the boarding school(寄宿学校) inThe Catcher in the Rye set in this military school. * (2)About the Author In 1936, Salinger graduated from the military school and received the only diploma in his life. In 1951, he published the novel “The Catcher in the Rye,” and became household. After he had scaled the hights of litery’s hall of fame (文学界翘楚), he lived to the countryside and specially built for himself a cement(水泥) room with the only window for study each day at 8:30. No one at home were allowed to go in to disturb him until 17:30; who, if only by telephone. 2.About the Background America just scored the victory of World WarⅡ and became a political economic and military power. “New York” is a representative of America materialistic society (实利主义). It is a symbol of all the “phony“(假模假式),and peoples spiritual life is a barren field and no one care about the feelings of others. * * Jerome David Salinger is known for his novel “The Catcher in the Rye” as well as his reclusive nature(与世隔绝). * 3.(1)The Leading Character Holden Caulfield (霍尔顿·考尔菲尔德) ,the leading character of this novel ,is a middle school student from a rich middle-class family.School teachers and his parents forced him to study hard for the “rise head and shoulders above others,”(出人头地) while in school days students just talked about everything around the woman and wine.He had no mood to study. After the forth time when he was expelled(开除) from the school, he dared not to go home.So he wandered in New York for one day and two nights alone. (2)The Leading Character He is a typical rebellious teenager. On the one hand,he likes the world of children. He w



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