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Getting the Map into the Computer: Digitizing and transformation GIS data can be: Purchased Found from existing sources in digital form Captured from analog maps by GEOCODING Background Making / buying high-quality data digital is expensive. Digitizing (tracing each line electronically) from paper maps Digitizing on-screen Using stereoplotters with aerial photographs Interpreting and ground truth-ing (field plots) satellite data Therefore, it is important to use what others have made whenever possible. Fortunately, today many federal, state and local agencies are making free / low cost digital data available on the web. However, one must always check the quality of the data. garbage in = garbage out GIS maps are digital not analog Maps have a communications function but... A map has a storage function for spatial data Somehow, the visually “stored” data must get digital Real and Virtual maps GIS Data Conversion Traditionally most of the cost of a GIS project One time cost Depends on reuse Requires maintenance Finding Existing Map Data Map libraries Reference books State and local agencies Federal agencies Commercial data suppliers e.g. GDT, Thompson, ETAK Existing Map Data Existing map data can be found through a map library, via network searches, or on media such as CD-ROM and disk. Many major data providers make their data available via the World Wide Web, a network of file servers available over the Internet. GIS vendors package data with products. Commercial vendors Federal Data Agencies USGS NOAA Census Bureau NIMA EPA many more... National Spatial Data Infrastructure National Spatial Data Clearinghouse USGS: National Mapping U.S. Bureau of the Census NOAA Weather and other data Distributed active archive center Sioux Falls, SD Operated by USGS US GeoData ftp access to DEM DLG GNIS GIRAS etc. GNIS Feature locations GIRAS Land Use and Land Cover Data GIRAS into Arc/Info (GIRASARC) Terrain data DEM DLG Contours DCW Contours Your Spatial Data “Ri


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