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编号 2015140307 研究类型 教学研究 分类号 G42 学士学位论文(设计) Bachelor’s Thesis 论文题目 作者姓名 学号 所在院系 学科专业名称 导师及职称 论文答辩时间 湖北师范学院学士学位论文(设计)诚信承诺书 中文题目: 外文题目: ’ Participation in Biology Classes 学生姓名 学生学号 院系专业 生命科学学院 学生班级 1班 学 生 承 诺 我承诺在学士学位论文(设计)活动中遵守学校有关规定,恪守学术规范,本人学士学位论文(设计)内容除特别注明和引用外,均为本人观点,不存在剽窃、抄袭他人学术成果,伪造、篡改实验数据的情况。如有违规行为,我愿承担一切责任,接受学校的处理。 学生(签名): 年 月 日 指导教师承诺 我承诺在指导学生学士学位论文(设计)活动中遵守学校有关规定,恪守学术道德规范,经过本人核查,该生学士学位论文(设计)内容除特别注明和引用外,均为该生本人观点,不存在剽窃、抄袭他人学术成果,伪造、篡改实验数据的现象。 指导教师(签名): 年 月 日 初中生物课堂学生参与度现状调查与分析 (指导老师: 副教授) (湖北师范学院生命科学学院 湖北 黄石 435002) :G42’ Participation in Biology Classes JIANG Xuee (Tutor:C Liang ) (College of Life Sciences, Hubei Normal University, Huangshi, Hubei, 435002) Abstract:According to the viewpoint of the new curriculum,active learning attitude must be cultivated to the students in learning basic knowledge and skills,.So some students from Tuanchengshan experimental middle school were chose as object of study and questionnaire was formulated based from behavior participation, cognitive participation and emotion participation in biology classes. data indicated that students’ participation .was not high. the phenomenon of the surface participation was very serious by further study it was found that gender, class type and grade had great impact on biology classes participation.?In addition, teaching skill such as teaching form of teachers, classes detail, interest level and teaching type also could affect students classes participation. Therefore,some suggestions were proposed to the students and teachers : First, students should concentrate on class attendance, positively answer questions posed by the teacher. Secondly , they should spent more time on learning some extra-curricular biology knowledge in their free time; Thirdly, teachers should pay attention to heuristic and inquiry-based classroom teaching, and reduce the academic burden on students by the pop quiz and timely feedback. Fourth, teachers should encoura


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