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2007 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technalogy Introducing Commodity Flow to an Agent-Based Model E-commerce System Tomasz Serzysko Department of Mathematics and Information Science, Warsaw University of Technology,Poland Maria Ganzha,Maciej Gawinecki,Pawel Kobzdej,Marcin Paprzycki System Research Institute,Polish Academy of Sciences,Poland Costin Badica Department of Computer Science,University of Craiova,Romania Abstract In our model agent-based e-commerce system [2] we have assumed that a certain number of items of a given product is available for sale. In this note we introduce a model logistics subsystem and discuss how it will be integrated with the system. Keywords: e-commerce;logistics system;agent Introduction Currently, we are developing and implementing a model agent-based e-commerce system (see [2] and references collected there). In this system multiple buyer agents attempt at making purchase by participating in price negotiations in e-stores and selecting the best o?er, while e-stores attempt at maximizing profit resulting from product sales.Thus far our attention was focused on buyer-seller interactions. By assuming that products are in the warehouse we have omitted the question where do they come from. The aim of this work is to describe how our system can be extended to include product restocking processes. Before proceeding let us make a few observations. First, the proposed logistics subsystem is not “stand alone” (e.g. similar to that considered in [3, 1, 6]). Instead, it has been created within the context of our e-commerce system, which has directly influenced its design. Second, while somewhat similar, processes involved in e-store restocking a warehouse differ from client making a purchase in an e-store (e.g. in product demand prediction, interactions with wholesalers, methods of price negotiations that involve more “conditions,” offer selection criteria, etc.) Therefore we have created a separate logisti


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