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(此文档为word格式,下载后您可任意编辑修改!) 摘 要 商场货物管理系统是用于商场管理各种货物进销存的信息系统,其开发的主要目的是实现商场的信息化管理。当货物进货入库时登记其基本信息,包括货物的编号、名称、数量等,当货物销售时登记其销售信息,包括货物信息,出库数量等,最后对货物的入库和出库资料综合得出各种货物的各类信息。总的说来,管理就是通过、、出库,解决货物供需之间存在的时间、数量、价格等方面的矛盾,以此衔接的各环节。使用Microsoft Visual Studio 2005开发工具利用其提供使用 MICROSOFT公司的 ,设计数据库并开发此产品。,数据库结构设计,到各种界面的制作都给出了每一步的设计细节。本系统界面友好,凡具有一定计算机操作知识的人都可以方便、自如地使用本系统。 本文详细的介绍了系统制作的整个过程。按照软件工程设计思想,采用生命周期法进行全程开发,包括需求分析,系统总体设计,系统详细设计等。 关键词:网络 管理系统 软件工程 Title The Designation and Implementation of Shopping Malls Management System Based on WEB Abstract Supermarket cargo management system is used for a variety of goods Invoicing supermarket management information system, its main purpose is to achieve the development of information management of the supermarket. When purchasing goods, storage register when the basic information, including the number of goods, name, quantity , when the sale of goods sold when the registration of information, including the goods information, the library number . Finally, the inbound and outbound cargo information integrated draw all types of information goods. Overall, the supermarket management system is through the purchase of goods warehousing, inventory management, sales out of library, address the time between demand and supply of goods, quantity, price, etc. contradictions, and various aspects of convergence supermarket Invoicing, Invoicing to achieve a comprehensive computerized management of the supermarket, reduce errors and improve efficiency. The system is to use Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 as a development tool, the use of its various controls, the use MICROSOFTs SQL Server 2000 database management system as a background, design databases and develop this product. The system uses VS2005 provides powerful programming capability, from the initial user needs analysis, database structure design, to production of various interfaces are given every step of the design details. The friendly interface, where a certain knowledge of computer operations p


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