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专科毕业论文(设计) 题 目: 恒压供水变频控制技朮的智能化改造 姓 名: 吴 恒 学号:54院(系):深圳学习中心 专业: 机电一体化 指导教师: 刘启林 职称: 讲师 评 阅 人: 职称: 2009年 3 月 摘要 随着电子技朮、通讯技朮的快速发展﹐在工业用水和居民用水中﹐具有恒压变频控制技朮的优势愈发明显﹐特别是在近年来广泛应用的智能化自动控制技朮﹐它不仅一方面具体体现在节能上﹐而且在程序修改和操作过程中给人更加直观明了。本智能化改造的成功案例就是综合利用了可编程控制技朮及其通讯模块、模/数和数/模转换模块﹐并结合了变频器的应用﹐改造后实现了恒压供水的死循环调速和对水泵的软激活/停止功能﹐延长了电机的使用寿命﹐操作界面更加可视化﹐修改程序和查找故障上更加方面﹐使得供水水压更加稳定﹐电机运行更加平稳。水泵在使用了富士变频器控制以后,不但免去了许多繁琐的人工操作,降低了不安全隐患因素,并且使系统始终处于节能状态运行,延长了设备的使用寿命,减小了维修工作量和维修频率,还可以实现电机的软启动,使起动电压降低,减小对电网的大电流冲击,更好地适应了生产需要。而且富士变频器具有丰富的内部控制功能,可以很方便地与其它控制系统实现闭环自动控制。因此,在供水处理过程中使用变频器具有很好的应用价值和推广价值。 关键词:变频器 PID调节器 PLC可编程控制器 智能化 Abstract With the fast development of electronic technology and communication technology, it is more obvious that the constant pressure frequency conversion control technology has applied in the industrial and inhabitant aspects of using water. Especially these years, intellectualized automatic control technology widely used can not only save energy but also set light on the process of program modification and operation. This intellectualized successful case comprehensively used programmable control technology, communication module, A/D and D/A transform module, which was combined with the application of transducer. After transformed, it can realize the function to the endless loop velocity modulation of the constant pressure water supply and the activation/stop of the water pump. It can lengthen the electrical machinery service life, make the operation surface more visible, make program modification and breakdown search easier, make the water pressure more stable and let the electrical machinery running more stable. Controlled by FUJI transducer, many fuzzy manual operations can be left out. Unsafe factors can be reduced, and the system can keep saving energy running, which lengthen the service life. That can reduce the maintenance workload and frequency. That can realize the soft start


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