Do-and-Don’t-List in Table Manners.docx

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Do-and-Don’t-List in Table Manners

Table Manners? 席间礼节Most westerners-particularly most Americans-are not nearly as concerned about protocol in social matters as Chinese people are.大多数西方人,尤其是美国人,不象中国人那样注重社交场合的礼节。but there are still a few Western custom which are extremely important which you should try at all times to observe.但是还是有一些西方习俗非常重要,你得时刻注意它们。Keep your mouth closed while chewing, and makes as little noise as possible.咀嚼食物时要双唇紧闭,尽量不要发出声音。And dont talk with food in your mouth.口中有食物时不要讲话。Youd better not leave the napkin on the table.最好不把餐巾放在餐桌上。Put in on your lap where its supposed to protect your clothes from spilled food or used to wipe your hands or mouth when necessary.而是把它放在膝盖上,用来保护你的衣服不被食物溅脏,或者需要时用来擦手或嘴。Dont put your own utensils (fork ,knife , spoon) into a serving bowl.不要把你的餐具放入盛菜的碗中。Use the utensil in the bowl (a large spoon or fork) to put some of the food on your own plate , and then return the serving utensil to the bowl用碗中的餐具把食物盛入你的碟中,然后再把盛菜的餐具放入碗中。Dont spit food anywhere.不要随处吐东西。If you have bones in your mouth, you should take them out with your fingers and place them on the edge of your plate, but never on the table of floor.如果你口里有骨头,应该用手指把它们取出,放在你自己碟子的边上,而不是放在桌面或地板上。Dont drink soup out of a bowl.不要抱着碗喝汤Use a spoon而是要用汤勺And never lift your plate or bowl off the table while eating.进餐时,不要把碗碟端离桌面。Dont reach across the table in front of another person.不要横跨桌面或在他人面前取食。Ask someone to pass whatever you want.而是要把别人把你所需的递过来。You can say please pass me the or Could trouble you for the?你可以说,“请把……递给我。”或者说“能劳驾你把……给我吗?”Never put nut shells , fruit peelings ,etc, on the floor.不要把果壳或果皮等丢在地上。Put them in a plate or ashtray ,etc....而要放入碟子或烟灰缸等里面。And dont sneeze or blow your nose anywhere except into a handkerchief or Kleenex.不要随处打喷嚏或擤鼻涕,而是要对着手巾或者卫生纸。If you cough, cover your mouth with your hand.咳嗽时,用手捂住嘴巴。Generally speaking ,whenforeighersnete to China ,they are interested in eating Chinese food, and the local specialites.通常说来,外国人到中国时,他们对吃中国菜或者地方特产很感兴趣。They may like using chopsticks, but some may stil


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