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(2) Wang’s transformations[13] For calculation of C1’ K(k): the complete elliptic integral of the first kind. where , Where , Calculated by matlab software. if G=40,W=30, then k =0.7818; k’=0.6235 |w|=2.9702 The height function of the sensing films From this equation, we observed m increases with h According to [9],multilayer structures : air/BaxSr1-xTiO3/LaAlO3 substrate In Cc equation, the first term is contributed by air, the second by BST thin film, and the third by the LaAlO3 substrate In Cc equation, Where , w is W, s is G, h is the height of thin film hs is the height of the substrate. My Designs Electric potential contour plot for 9 couples electrodes(2D) Two electrodes plot results(2D) Electric potential contour plot(left) Electric field vector plot(right) paramenters SET,G , 40.00000000000 *SET,HE , 1.000000000000 *SET,HSI , 100.0000000000 *SET,HSIO2 , 15.00000000000 *SET,HTI , 3.000000000000 *SET,HZR , 1.000000000000 *SET,I , 1.000000000000 *SET,L , 200.0000000000 *SET,LE , 200.0000000000 *SET,LS , 200.0000000000 *SET,RISISTIVITYPT, 0.1060000000000E-06 *SET,SIGMAAIR, 1.000000000000 *SET,SIGMASI , 11.70000000000 *SET,SIGMASIO2, 3.900000000000 *SET,SIGMATIO2, 48.00000000000 *SET,SIGMAZRO2, 35.00000000000 *SET,V0 , 0.000000000000 *SET,V1 , 1.000000000000 *SET,W , 30.00000000000 Three electrodes plot results(2D) Electric potential contour plot(left) Electric field vector plot(right) Four electrodes plot results(2D) Electric potential contour plot(left) Electric field vector plot(right) References: [1] Gary D. Alley, Interdigital capacitors and their application to lumped-element microwave integrated circuits, IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques, vol.mit-18, No.12, December 1970, pp.1028-


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