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大连东软信息学院 毕业设计(论文) 系 所: 计算机科学与技术系 专 业 软件技术 学生姓名 学生学号: 指导教师 导师职称: 副教授 完成日期: 2016年 4 月 25日 大连东软信息学院 Dalian Neusoft University of Information 软件工程项目管理系统的设计与实现 摘 要 随着网络应用的兴起,人们的也发生了翻天覆地的变化。。 软件工程项目管理系统主要是对学校的课程,提供完备的设计管理功能相关的管理,方便学校建立一个完善的课程项目信息数据库,它是以MYSQL数据库作为开发平台,完成数据输入、输出、存储、修改查询等功能。 本文主要完成了基于JSP技术的的设计和实现,主要实现了客户端和服务器端的动态交互,从系统分析、系统整体设计、数据库设计、系统详细设计与实现等几个方面对系统的开发过程作了详细的介绍,意在全面地呈现系统由最初设计到最终定型的各个阶段,便于大家对系统有一个更好的把握和认识。本系统的具体实现细节则在论文的系统详细设计与实现一章给出了具体的阐述,各个功能模块的展示也包含在其中,并能够直观地看到系统运行后的演示效果。且其间夹杂着部分主要代码的辅助说明,便于从底层查看系统的最终实现。 关键词:JSP,, Design And Realization Of Software Project Management System Abstract With the rise of network applications, changes in peoples life also has changed dramatically. Due to the development of the Internet, considerable consequences for peoples lives and the efficient, convenient, electronic became synonymous with cost-saving, efficient regulation. Current academic curriculum software management is in the crafts stage is not only inefficient, often because of careless management mistakes. Demands from some universities, software engineering project management system is designed to assist colleges and universities in the program, saving management costs and improve the efficiency of the work of the schools objective. Software engineering project management systems for school curriculum, provides complete design and management functions related to the management to enable the schools to establish a sound curriculum project information database, which is based on MYSQL database as a development platform, completing the data input, output, storage, modify the query functions. In this thesis, it mainly completed the design and realizations of software project management system based on the JSP technique. And it main carry out a dynam


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