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Topic 2 I feel better now. 绥化市经济开发区宝山一中 刘英欣 Section A Section A needs 1 period The main activity is la Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标 1. review the sentences about personal feelings and characters 2.Learn some new words and phrases: exam, shy, strict, be strict with 3.. Master the “adverbial clauses of reason”: She feels very lonely because she has no friends to talk with. Since she is very strict with herself, she is unhappy. Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具 录音机/小黑板 Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间: 10分钟) (复习上节课内容,让各组汇报一下他们查到的有关各个剧种的信息。) T: Good morning, boys and girls. Ss: Good morning, Miss Wang. T: Are you ready to share your “Opera” with others? Ss: Yeah. G1: We find eight kinds of operas. They are… We choose one section from Huangmeixi Opera. Let’s listen to it. G2: … … (教师依次对上述学生的报告做点评。) T: Beijing Opera and other kinds of operas are national operas of China. They highly express Chinese culture. They bring us happiness. But there are many things in our daily life bringing us sadness and worries. Now, let’s make a competition. (在此呈现生词: shy, strict。) (板书单词,并附中文解释。) shy 害羞的 be strict in 对……严格要求 be strict with 对……严格要求 T: Please list as many things that happened last week as you can. Group 1 list things making you sad and unhappy. Group 2 list things making you angry and strict. Group 3 list things making you shy and lonely. Group 4 list things making you pleased and happy. (该活动的目的在于: (1)呈现生词。(2)给学生创设情景,创造机会来表述发生在身边的事。) (教师计时,并在黑板上画出计分表。) T: Each has three minutes. Go! Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 4 5 2 3 2 3 3 4 … T: Group 1 counts the list of Group 2, Group 2 counts the list of Group 3, Group 3 counts the list of Group 4… G1: 8 G2: 5 G3: 7 G4: 6 (让学生进行互评。) T: OK. So Group 1 gets six points. Group 2 gets eight points… Oh, dear. I don’t expect you, junior high school students have so many troubles. Then how do you deal with the problems? S1: I will go out to play. S2: I will go shopping. S3: I may listen to the music. S4: I would like to talk with my friends


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