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武汉工业学院 毕 业 设 计 设计题目:旁承上平面与下心盘上平面垂直距离检测装置的设计 全套CAD图纸,联系 姓 名 学 院 机 械 系 专 业 包 装 工 程 学 号 指导教师 2007年 6月 2 日 摘要 弹性旁承上平面与下心盘上平面的垂直距离检测是保证列车在高速行驶走“蛇”字形路线的时候不发生侧翻。在这里有两种方案,第一种方案是根据游标卡尺的原理设计的,第二种方案是根据当三点呈一线的时候,如果有一点凹下去的话,那么这个距离就是所要检测的距离。经过对两种方案的对比,得出,第一种方案在满足精度要求下,成本比较低,手工作业,适用于少量的检测;第二种方案自动化程度较高,适合与大批量的检测,并可作为工艺检测,流水线作业。 关键词:垂直距离、测量、安全运行、精度。 Abstract Measure the vertical distances between the upper surface of resilience bearing and upper surface of lower heart plates can avoid the train from turn over when the train is driving in a snake route with a high speed. There are two kinds of schemes here, the first kind of scheme was designed according to the principle of the vernier caliper.the second scheme is according to the principle when three points arrange in a line.if one of the point sink down when those three points stand in a line,the distances between them is wanted. contrast these two kinds of schemes, the cost of the first kind of scheme is lower under the requirement of meeting the accuracy,so it is suitable for handicraft operate and small amount of examine; The automatic intensity of second kind of scheme is relatively high,so it suitable for detection in enormous quantities and can be used as a craft measurement, the homework of assembly line.. Keyword: Vertical distance, measures, the safe operation, precision. 目录 第一章  概述......................................................................................1 一  课题的来源及意义…………………………………………….1 1.  课题的来源…………………………………………………….......1 2.  研究的意义………………………………………………………...1  二  课题设计的技术要求………………………………………….2 1.  弹性旁承与下心盘安装的技术要求………………………………….2 2.  课题设计的总体要求……………………………………………….3 第二章  基于不同要求两种方案的设计.......................................5 一  手工检测装置总体设计的方案………………………………5 1.  方案结构图………………………………………………………...5 2.  检测作业说明……………………………………………………....6 二  自动检测装置总体方案的设计………………………………6 1.  方案结构图………………………………………………………..6 2.  检测作业说明………………………………………………………7


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