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液氯管道研究 摘要 I Abstract II 第一章引言 1 1.1研究背景 1 1.2研究的主要内容、意义 1 第二章液氯管道工艺过程危险性分析 3 2.1介质危险性分析 3 2.2工艺过程危险性分析 3 第三章液氯管道泄漏检测 5 3.1液氯管道泄漏原因分析 5 3.2危化品管道泄漏检测方法 8 3.3液氯管道泄漏次声波检测 8 第四章液氯管道安全管理与应急 12 3.1 液氯管道输送过程安全管理 12 3.2公共液氯管道事故应急 12 3.3 小结 31 第五章结论 32 摘要 关键词:液氯;管道输送;泄漏检测技术 Abstract Liquid chlorine is a basic chemical raw materials, it is widely used in industrial production, can be used in metallurgy, textile, paper and other industries, and is a synthesis of hydrochloric acid, PVC, plastic, pesticide raw materials. Chlorine liquefaction greatly facilitate the transport and storage, and balance the actual production of the chlorine usage. Chlorine is very livelymaterial, can react and most materials, especially metal. Chloride in the presence of water has strong corrosion of steel, raising the liquid chlorine storage transportation is difficult. Pipeline liquid chlorine is a relatively safe and reliable way of liquid chlorine transfer, convenient for the continuous production of the enterprise, but it at the same time, the safety of the liquid chlorine pipe transmission put forward higher requirements. Is liquid chlorine leakage pipeline when the main risk factors, once the liquid chlorine leak will cause significant on the surrounding environment and the human body. Pipeline leak detection technology in China started late, there is a certain gap with the developed countries. In this case, according to the actual situation of our country and the needs of the development of industry, forming a set of mature pipeline leak detection technology, daily management plan and emergency rescue preplan is imminent. Especially some practical use in production to the pipeline, party enterprise should be to choose the appropriate leak detection system, perfect the measures for the administration of these pipes and make effective emergency rescue plan, in order to ensure the security of the masses and the enterprise own around, bulletproof. Key words:Liquid chlorine;Pipeline; Leak dete


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