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天助自助者,英语作文 篇一:刘一苇:天助自助者 天助自助者 ——刘一苇 “天雨虽宽不润无根之草,佛法虽广不度无缘之人。”这是洛阳白马寺中的一幅对联。 中国有句古话“天助自助者”。天助之人,必先自助;人助之人,必先自强。《易经》开篇的乾卦曰“天行健,君子以自强不息”。欲得他助,必先自助;欲图共强,必先自强。 1 地址:北京市温榆河西路金融街园中园二期46号 自助者,不为得天助,不为得人助。自助者,自爱也。爱己之身,爱己之名,爱己之志。自爱方得自助,自助方得他助,他助若海风吹远,自助若划桨扬帆。 善助者,发乎其心,留意微末,行于无声,动于无形,若百草权舆,不见其长,隔日葱茏。善助者,犹海纳百川,不择细流;山高巍峨,不拒细壤。诚如老子所言:“合抱之木,生于毫末;九层之台,起于垒土;千里之行,始于足下。” 天雨虽宽不润无根之草,佛法虽广不度无缘之人。天助自助者,天弃自弃者;念念不忘,必有回响;如是也。 2 地址:北京市温榆河西路金融街园中园二期46号 篇二:英语作文 91班 李愿 Happiness Happiness is important for everyone. Without any doubt, everyone will try their best to get it. As for me, happiness is just like the sweet candy, it makes me happy and sweat. It is like the warm sunshine, it can warm everyone抯 heart. The warm sunshine is collected by my heart. Not only is it warm, but also it is common. Time goes by, but it will never be forgotten by us. Sometimes, the people who are too anxious would ask, 揥hat抯 the happiness? And where is it? 擧owever, happiness is around us all the time, but some of us can抰 find it out. Mother抯 love is happiness, when you are lonely, she抣l be there for you. When you are tired, she will give you a cup of hot tea and warm your heart. Father抯 love is happiness. Although sometimes he is serious, I know how much he loves me! Friends?love and help are happiness, too. They are your best listener. Maybe you will meet plenty of problems, but you are the happiest person if they are there for you. Man is the artificer of his own happiness. We should catch the happiness firmly. 每个人都在追寻着幸福、快乐。但对于每个人而言,幸福的定义有很大不同,而这篇文章要叙述的幸福其实在每个人的身旁,只是不一定能够感受得到。幸福就是那么简单,只要愿意,每个人都可以得到。 指导老师:王正菊 Class Ninty-one Li Xiaoping Believe In Yourself There are lots of problems that we could meet. Then you’ll suspect yourself. But I would like to tell you that everything is possible for him who believes. So the most important thing that you have to do is believe in yourself. If you are not confident enough, you can learn to write down your life in the n


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