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考研英语作文 1、身体健康类 (1)1997年真题。Directions: Study the following set of pictures carefully and write an essay in no less than 120 words. Your essay must be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET 2. Your essay should cover all the information provided and meet the requirements below: 1. Interpret the following pictures. 2. Predict the tendency of tobacco consumption and give your reasons. 真题分析: 这是典型的图表+提纲式的命题,题目中提供的材料十分丰富,包括柱状图、饼状图以及其他相关数据。组图充分反映了当代烟草消费的规模、危害和趋势,是人们普遍关心的热点话题之一。通过对组图的分析,我们可以看出烟草在全世界有着十分庞大的消费群体规模,每年因为烟草消费消耗的资金数额大得惊人,同时也有数以百万计的人由于烟草消费而被夺去了生命。当然,我们从图中也可以发现一个令人欣喜的趋势,那就是烟草的总产量在近几年呈下降的态势,一定程度上说明了烟草消费引起的健康问题开始得到了人们的重视,并出现了相关的解决措施。 本题的难点在于图表给的信息量太大,考生如何最恰当地在全文中使用数据将决定文章的质量。如果一味将所有数据都堆在第一段,会造成第一段过于冗长,全文头重脚轻。在下面的范文中,图表数字得到了灵活的运用,比较得体。比如文章在一开始先用烟民人数占全世界人数的比例来说明了烟草消费的巨大规模,然后又通过该行业消耗的人民财产和生命进一步说明产业之大、对人类危害之重。而至于第一幅图中关于烟草产量的数字则被用到了第二段中来说明未来的趋势,非常得体、恰当。 思路拓展: 近年来国人越来越关注健康问题,随着2008年北京奥运会的即将到来,在中国更是掀起了全民健身的热潮。因此健康问题将是中国社会的一个长期热点问题,考生应该在这方面积累素材、有所准备。相关话题可以引申到知识分子的身体健康问题、全民健身热潮、健康意识、锻炼身体的习惯、健康与安全等等,这些都是平时经常可以遇到的一些话题。 范文: Tobacco is one of the commodities that are consumed in an immense amount worldwide. From the pictures, we can learn that the global smoking population amounts to 1.1 billion, approximately 20% of all the worlds’ residents. 200 billion dollars are spent annually in order to purchase tobacco and relevant products, which further stimulate the business’ flourishing development. Meanwhile, the harm caused by tobacco consumption is experiencing a similar upward trend—statistics indicates that 3,000,000 people die of smoking and related diseases every year. Nevertheless, given the pessimistic statistics at the present, we can still predict optimistically that tobacco consumption will decline based on several new tendencies that are emerging. In the first place, there is an extensive public awareness of the negative impact of smoking, and as a result, more people resist the tempetation of cigarettes. In the second place, governments are setting


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