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状语从句 (2011全国卷II 19)虽然有点贵,但是这顿饭还不错。 It was a nice meal, though a little expensive. (2011北京卷 29)她主攻排球的同时,也擅长篮球。 While volleyball is her main focus, she’s also great at basketball. (2011上海卷 36)如果许多人说某本电影不好看,我不会急着去看,我一直等到它的DVD出版。 If a lot of people say a film is not good, I won’t bother to see it, or I’ll wait until it comes out on DVD. (2011上海卷 37)在我们的城市工作的警官为了我们能安居而努力工作。 The police officers in our city work hard in order that the rest of us can live a safe life. (2011江西卷 29)请让我的秘书安排会见,今天下午或其他任何对你来说方便的时间。 Please call my secretary to arrange a meeting this afternoon, or whenever it is convenient to you. (2011浙江卷 4)个星期五,我的女儿听到求救声我们正在为周末出行打包启程。 One Friday, we were packing to leave for a weekend away when my daughter heard cries for help. (2011福建卷 33)威廉王子和凯特米德尔顿在2011年4月29日这一天步入了婚姻的殿堂。 It was April 29, 2011 when Prince William and Kate Middleton walked into the palace hall of the wedding ceremony. (2011四川卷 4)尽管我费了好大劲儿把他叫醒,但是弗兰克坚持说他没有睡着。 Frank insisted that he was not asleep although I had great difficulty in waking him up. (2011四川卷 6)据报道,自清华大学创办,已经100年了。 As it reported, it is 100 years since Qinghua University was founded. (2011辽宁卷 25)不论沙漠会有多么干燥,都不会没有生命。 No matter how dry a desert may be, it is not necessarily lifeless. (2011辽宁卷 29)他的演讲刚结束,学生们立即表示祝贺。 He had no sooner finished his speech than the students started cheering. (2011陕西卷 17)为下一届亚运会准备而正在建造中的新体育馆将会比现有的大三倍。 The new stadium being built for the next Asian Games will be three times as big as the present one. (2011天津卷 5)尽管常规运动非常重要,但是临近睡觉时间做运动不明智。 Although regular exercise is very important, it’s never a good idea to exercise too close to bedtime. (2011陕西卷 19)他们都是实力强劲的候选人,只有一个能被选为下一任。 While all of them are strong candidates, only one will be chosen for the post. (2011山东卷 28)他把相机调试好,以便看到能拍出好照片的景象。 He had his camera ready in case he saw something that would make a good picture. (2011重庆卷 30)为表达敬意,我们通常要脱下手套,与人握手。 To show our respect, we usually have to tak


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