49 Quality versus Mass Production产品质量与大量生产.doc

49 Quality versus Mass Production产品质量与大量生产.doc

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49 Quality versus Mass Production产品质量与大量生产

49. Quality versus Mass Production 产品质量与大量生产   1 Words and Phrases单词和词组   automation自动化 a load of rubbish一派胡言   robotic机器人的,机械的 pay top dollar付顶级价钱   crumple变皱 crumple up like tin cans像锡罐头盒般变皱   compensate补偿 a bit over the top有点儿过分   recall召回 high priced chariots高价汽车   chariot战车 run through简单说明   component零件 go up market进入高档消费市场   uniformity统一,一致 trade off equation权衡等式   precision精确 go back a while回到很久以前   equation等式 enter into the assessment进入评估   2 Sentences重点句型   1. It’s simply not built into the system. 它压根就不是体系的内在部分。   2. You get what you pay for,that’s for sure. 花什么钱买什么货,这是肯定的。   3. If you want top quality,you pay top dollar. 你要买顶级质量,就得花顶级价钱。   4. It will also reduce your labour requirements too. 这也会降低对你的工作量要求。   5. I gather you were able to justify it economically?我猜你能证明它的经济效益?   6. And neither do they cost anywhere near as much. 而且它们的成本也不能相提并论。   7. No,the labour factor didn’t really enter into the assessment.   不是的,评估的时候就没有考虑过工作量因素。   8. You just can’t get the quality out of mass-produced products. 大量生产的产品,质量就是不行。   9. Probably more in actual fact but,recalls do seem to happen a lot.   也可能更贴近现实吧,不过那些汽车召回的现象的确很常见。   10. Yeahand they also crumple up like tin cans when they get in an accident.   是啊,不过发生事故时还不是像锡罐头盒一样皱成一团。   11. You’ve certainly clone up market with the automation and robotic controls.   自动化和机械生产线属于高档消费了。   12. We were already automated to a large extent so,this was just the next step up.   我们自动化的程度已经很高,所以这只是下一步要做的事情。   13. I’ll run you throuh this new production line process so you can see the benefits.   我给你简单说明一下新的生产线过程,这样你就能知道它的好处了。   14. It only needs a couple of operators in a control room to monitor the whole process.   只需要有两个操作员在控制室里监控整个生产过程就可以了。   15. Most mass-produced cars have a very high standard of comfort and safety these days.   现在大多数大量生产的汽车有很高的舒适度和安全性。   3 Dialogue 1   Two people discuss the apparent conflict between mass production and quality.   A: You just can’t get the quality out of mass-


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