口译与听力unit seven.ppt

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Lesson Four 大家不远万里,为参加第九届太平洋港口研讨会,齐聚到中国美丽的滨城——大连,共同讨论太平洋地区港航界共同关心的课题,这确实是港航界的一大盛事。 and explore together the mutually concerned issues of the port field of the Pacific region. This really is a grand occasion in the port-shipping field. All of you get together in the beautiful coastal city of China-Dalian from afar to attend the 9th port Seminar of the Pacific region Lesson Four 请允许我代表大连市人民政府对各位朋友的到来表示最热烈的欢迎。 Please allow me, on behalf of the People’s Government of Dalian to extend our warmest welcome to all of the friends. Lesson Four 女士们、先生们: 在中国沿海活跃的经济带中,大连占有重要的地位,1997年大连的国内生产总值829亿元,外贸自营商品进出口总值51亿美元,实际利用外资14.2亿美元。 Lesson Four 女士们、先生们: 在中国沿海活跃的经济带中,大连占有重要的地位, In the vigorous economic region of China, Dalian plays an important role. Lesson Four 1997年大连的国内生产总值829亿元, In 1997, the National Gross Products of Dalian were ¥82.9 billion, Lesson Four 外贸自营商品进出口总值51亿美元, the general import and export values of the self-managing products was $5.1billion Lesson Four 实际利用外资14.2亿美元。 and the actually invested foreign capital was $1.42 billion. Lesson Four 大连经济发达,基础雄厚,为港口的发展提出了强有力的支持。 The economy of Dalian is developed economy and has solid foundation, which supplies a vigorous support to the port’s development. Lesson Four 大连港目前已成为中国东北地区最大的综合性商港,最大的粮食进出港,最大的石油和液体化工产品中转港和最重要的对外贸易口岸之一。 Lesson Four 大连港目前已成为中国东北地区最大的综合性商港, Now Dalian port has become the largest comprehensive commercial seaport, Lesson Four 最大的粮食进出港, the largest grain import and export harbor, Lesson Four 最大的石油和液体化工产品中转港 the largest transfer seaport of petroleum and fluid chemical products Lesson Four 和最重要的对外贸易口岸之一。 and one of the most important seaports for foreign trade in the northeast part of China. Lesson Four 大连是中国北方最开放的城市,大连市人民的热情好客远近闻名。 Dalian is the widest open city in the north of China. The people of Dalian are reputed for hospitality. Lesson Four 春夏之交的大连,春意盎然,繁花似锦,充满生机、活力和希望。 Now spring is changing into summer in Dalian, where spring is very much in the air and fresh flowers are bright an


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