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“Ah, I have read all that the wise men have written…my life is made wretched.”(Para.3) Notice the sarcastic tone of the author when he had the Student refer to the “wise men”. As a champion for “art for art’s sake”, the author argues that one should not paint or write for financial, political or religious reasons. He therefore keeps poking fun at the Student, the professor, the dusty heavy books, logic, philosophy, intellect, and metaphysics. Many people however reject this view. They do not believe it possible to have such a thing as art for art sake. The artists’s works, being part of this his human activities, must be guided by his sense moral responsibility, by what he convinces to be true, good and beautiful. Previous Next Exit for want of: for the lack of Other examples: For want of a better word, let’s call it Me-firstism. (As I can’t think of a better word, ;let’s call it Me-firstism.) For want of something better to do she decided to try gardening. (As she could not find anything more interesting to do, she decided to try gardening.) Previous Next Exit “Here at last is a true lover,” said the Nightingale. “Night after night have I sung of him, and now I see him.” (Para. 4) Notice the inverted order. sing of him: to sing about him lover: a person who loves. In modern English, it is often used to mean “mistress”. Previous Next Exit “The Prince gives a ball tomorrow night, …and my love will be there.” (Para. 5) Notice the use of the present indefinite tense for expressing the future. Notice also the use of “give” in the sense of “organize” in the following: to give a reception; to give a banquet; to give a cocktail party; to give a press conference; to give a dance. “Ball” here refers to a large formal occasion at which people dance. my love : my sweetheart. The word “love” here is used as a term of endearment as in: My love is like a red, red rose, Newly sprung in spring.


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