2016秋人教版八级英语上册Unit4 What’s the best movie theater教案.doc

2016秋人教版八级英语上册Unit4 What’s the best movie theater教案.doc

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2016秋人教版八级英语上册Unit4 What’s the best movie theater教案

Unit 4 Whats the best movie theater?类别 课程标准要求掌握的项目单元话题 Discuss preferences and make comparisons:In this unit-()est,most and irregular comparisons:-better-the best-worse-the worst.重点单词 (n.) 2.comfortable(adj.) 3.seat(n.) 4.screen(n.) 5.close(adj.) 6.ticket(n.) 7.worst(adj. adv.) 8.cheaply(adv.) 9.song(n.) 10.choose(v.) 11.carefully(adv.) 12.comfortably(adv.) 13.worse(adj. adv.) 14.service(n.) 15.menu(n.) 16.act(v.) 17.meal(n.) 18.creative(adj.) 19.performer(n.) 20.talent(n.) 21.common(n.) 22.beautifully(adv.) 23.role(n.) 24.winner(n.) 25.prize(n.) 26.everybody(pron.) 27.example(n.) 28.poor(adj.) 29.seriously(adv.) 30.give(v.) 31.crowded(adj.) 32.fresh(adj.) 33.pretty(adv. adj.) 34.magician(n.) 重点词组 n 16.make up 17.in fact 18.a way to 19.come true 20.for example 21.take…seriously 重点句式 1.—Whats the best movie theater to go to?Which is the worst clothes store in town? —Dream Clothes.Its worse than Blue Moon. It has the worst service. 3.—What do you think of 970 AM? —I think 970 AM is pretty bad.It has the worst music. 单元语法 Superlatives with-()est,most; Irregular comparisons:-better-the best-worse-the worst学情分析 八年级学生具有一定的形象思维和抽象思维特别是发散思维要及时引导学生对于学习主题的讨论根据争强好胜的第一课时 Section A (1a~1c)类别 课时要点重点单词 1. theater ()剧场             2. comfortable()舒适的(n.)座位 4. screen()屏幕重点词组 5. close to 靠近               6. watch a movie看电影取票重点句式 8. Whats the best movie theater? 最好的电影院在哪里?但是我认为月光电影院拥有最舒服的座位。有很多人在这里工作。自主学习案根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。in our town. Its next to my house. 2.Its comfortable(舒服的)to sit on this sofa and read some books.(座位) in the meeting room.(近的)to my home.tickets(票). Can you help me?课堂导学案 准备与热身(Preparation) Where do you usually watch movies? S1: …Theater. S2: …Theater. T: Why do you go to that movie theater? S1: Because its… S2: Because it has… Step 2 呈现与输入 (Presentation) Here are come things about cinemas.Please decide which is important and which is not important. Discuss which items are important. Maybe new movies are important because we go to a cinema to see the


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