绿色化学Chapter 2 sustainability-Shen.ppt

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Chapter 2 The Concept of Sustainability Green Chemistry and Sustainability’s Parameters A Sustainability Scenario Green Chemistry and Sustainable Development THOMAS E. GRAEDEL Towards Sustainable Development In 1987, theory of sustainable development has been proposed in Our Common Future as: “meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”. (United Nations Commission on Environment and Development) In 1992, “Agenda of 21th Century” has been formulated. (United Nations Conference on Environment and Development) View point of Sustainable development, emphasis the co-development of economy and environment. The Natural Step —— Non-Government Organization Started in Sweden by Karl-Henrik Robert 2.1 The Concept of Sustainability Two of the key aspects of sustainable development from a chemicals and energy perspective are: (1) ‘how fast should we use up fossil fuels?’ Using natural resources at rates that do not unacceptably draw down supplies over the long term. (2) ‘how much “waste” or pollution can we safely release to the environment?’ Generating and dissipating residues at rates no higher than can be assimilated readily by the natural environment. The Natural Step, an international movement, started in Sweden, dedicated to helping society reduce its impact on the environment has developed four system conditions for sustainability: Materials from the Earth’s crust (e.g. heavy metals) must not systematically increase in nature. Persistent substances produced by society (e.g. DDT, CFCs) must not systematically increase. The physical basis for the Earth’s productive natural cycles must not be systematically deteriorated. There must be fair and efficient use of resources with respect to meeting human needs. Economic: At a high level of sophistication, green chemistry no


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