英汉银行业务入门学习材料 Banking Business.ppt

英汉银行业务入门学习材料 Banking Business.ppt

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Chen Jianhui Banking Business What does a bank do? How does a bank operate? From the text we will learn something about banks and their business, especially the UK banking business, which is somewhat different from that of our country. The basic functions of a bank: accepting and safeguarding deposits of money from customers; permitting money to be withdrawn or transferred from one account to another; lending the surplus of deposited money to suitable customers who wish to borrow. 银行的基本职能: 接受客户的存款并保证其安全; 允许存款的自由支取或转帐; 将存款的赢余贷给希望借款的合适的客户。 A sound banking system depends on: partly on the control exercised by the central bank and, to a large extent, on the customer’s trust in the bank. 良好的银行体系部分取决于中央银行的管理,另外在很大的程度上取决于客户对银行的信任。 The customer trusts that his deposits will be looked after in the best possible way and that when he wishes to withdraw his money, the funds will be available. 客户相信他的存款在银行得到最好方式的照看和保管,他还相信当他想取钱时,随时可得到资金。 Banks have a major responsibility to behave like a good citizens in business if they wish to enjoy the trust of the customers. 如果银行要得到客户的信任,他们有责任在业务经营中表现得象好公民。 How to behave like a good citizen in business? Profitability remains a major consideration to a bank, but this must sometimes be set aside in favor of an informed and ethical judgment that takes account of the interest of others. 对于银行盈利性始终是要考虑的首要问题,但有时必须支持有见地、符合道德标准、顾及他人利益的判断决定,把盈利性搁置一边。 What do banks have to remember when lending money? They must remember that the source of their funds is customers’ deposits, and so it is important that they should lend where there is a minimal risk of non-repayment. 他们必须牢记他们的资金来源是客户的存款,因此重要的是应该把资金借给拒绝偿付的风险最低的地方。 The banks have often been criticized for not lending more freely, but a high risk of loss will frequently deter them from granting an advance even if the highest rates of interest could be charged. 人们常常批评银行不能更自由地提供贷款,但即使可能收取最高的利率,高风险的损失往往会阻止银行发放贷款。 The nature of a commercial bank: A commercial bank is a business firm that


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