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青少年行为偏差问题个案研究 摘要:本文以一个对青少年偏差行为的个案辅导为例,以其整个家庭关系,学校、社会交际关系为对象通过运用修正模式与心理社会治疗模式相结合为切入点,根据案主的个人具体情况,提出适合案主的个人发展计划,激发案主潜能使其健康成长,使案主能够正确认识社会不良行为,建立家庭归属感与正确有效地人际交往体系。帮助案主重新审视其行为,透过对行为产生原因的剖析, 发现案主的发展诉求, 进而提出救助与支持的工作目标及对策, 尝试构建适合案主的支持网络,使案主自身行为符合社会行为、道德规范。从而探讨修正模式与心理社会治疗模式相结合为切入点的矫正青少年行为偏差的工作模式,以用于社工领域类似的实践。 关键词: 青少年 青少年行为偏差 行为修正模式 心理社会治疗模式 个案工作 Of case studies on adolescent behavior deviation Author: zhang liang Drector:Fan zhao quan Avstract: In this paper, an adolescent delinquency case counseling, for example, with its entire family relationships, school, social activities and relationships through the application of amendments to the object model and combination of psycho-social treatment model as an entry point, according to the clients personal circumstances, proposed for the clients personal development plan to stimulate the healthy growth of the client the potential to enable the client to correctly understand the socially negative behaviors, a family sense of belonging with the correct and effective interpersonal communication system. To help the client to re-examine its behavior through the analysis of the causes of behavior and found that the development of the main demands of the case, then presents the work of relief and support the objectives and measures to try to build support networks for the case of the Lord, so that the clients own actions are consistent with social behavior, ethics. To explore the revised model and psycho-social treatment model combining the treatment of adolescent behavior as the starting point bias mode to be used for social workers in the field of a similar practice. Key words: The youths The youths抎eviant behavior Behavior modification model Psycho-social treatment model Individual case 1 导言 1.1 研究的目的与意义 青少年问题现在已经是一个全球性的社会问题。当代中国政治,经济,文化体制发生了重大的变革。政治趋于民主化;经济体制向市场经济转变,社会利益空前分化;文化体制由专一的传统文化向多元文化转变。封建文化以及黄色、暴力、享乐主义、极端个人主义等西方文化糟粕是青少年正常人格形成的重大障碍,而人格缺陷又导致他们偏离社会规范,甚至违法犯罪。加之当代青少年缺乏社会阅历,是非判断能力


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