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史载祥辨治顽固性腹胀经验撷英 关键字: 史载祥辨治顽固性腹胀经验撷英 本文为Word文档,感谢你的关注!   摘要:顽固性腹胀是指合理应用调和肝脾、理气除胀等治疗而无明显疗效之腹胀。史载祥教授认为,在肝脾不调基础上,顽固性腹胀尚存在脾阳不升、脾胃失和之病机,治宜升举清阳、补中益气、实卫固表,方选补中益气汤加减,小其制投药;对瘀血留滞、络脉瘀阻证之腹胀,宜活血化瘀、理气行滞、通利血脉,方选膈下逐瘀汤合大黄?虫丸;对肺失宣降、肃降不能之腹胀,宜宣肃肺气、润燥滑肠、行气消胀,方选温白丸加减;对沉寒痼冷、阳损寒凝之腹胀,宜温通逐寒、温补脾肾、温里助阳,可选九转玉壶丹;对奇经受累、阴阳俱损之腹胀,宜通补奇经、温补阴阳、补益肝肾,方选肉苁蓉丸加减。治疗顽固性腹胀需整体辨证、变通施治。   关键词:名医经验;史载祥;顽固性腹胀   DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1005-5304.2017.05.028   R259.7 A 1005-5304(2017)05-0116-04   Essence Experience of Professor SHI Zai-xiang in Treatment of Intractable Abdominal Distension CUI Li1, Instructor: SHI Zai-xiang2 (1. Digestive Department, Beijing Yanhua Hospital, Beijing 102500, China; 2. China-Japan Friendship Hospital, Beijing 100029, China)   Abstract: Intractable abdominal distension refers to the reasonable application of the general dialectical therapy with no significant efficacy. Professor SHI Zai-xiang believes that on the basis of hepatosplenic disorder, there are the etiology and pathogens of spleen yang not raising and spleen and stomach in disorder in intractable abdominal distension, which should be treated with raising qing yang, tonifying qi, and consolidating the superficial resistance. Therefore, modified Buzhong Yiqi Decoction was used; as for abdominal distension with blood stasis and meridian stasis, the treatment should be motivating blood circulation and eliminating stasis, motivating qi stagnation, and making free the passage of blood in the vessels, which should be treated with Gexia Zhuyu Decoction combined with Dahuang Zhechong Pills; as for abdominal distension with lung qi stagnation, the treatment should be motivating lung qi, moisturizing dryness and laxation, promoting qi and eliminating swelling, which should be treated with modified Wenbai Pills; as for abdominal distension with cold and yang deficiency, the treatment should be warming and expelling cold, warmly tonifying spleen and kidney, which should be treated with Jiuzhuan Yuhu Pills; as for ab



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