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玩网络游戏的好处多-网易游戏运营笔试 游戏运营商盈利模式分析—基于腾讯游戏与网易游戏比较研究  游戏运营商盈利模式分析——基于腾讯游戏与网易游戏比较研究 指导教师: 王 作 者: 系 别: 旅游管理学院 专 业: 市场营销 学 号: 071401054 完成时间: 2016 年 4 月 20 日 内容摘要 2016 年,互联网和移动网游戏市场规模巨大。由此可见,网络游戏运营商的利润非常巨大,而随着网络玩家数量的持续不断的增多,不难推断,网络游戏产业的市场规模也将不断扩大。 同质化、缺乏创新仍是我国游戏行业的通病,如果不加以解决,未来几年,行业增长将继续放缓,甚至可能出现负增长。而最近也的确出现了不少网络游戏的停止运营。所以,网络游戏运营商如果没有良好的盈利模式为其提供意见,仅仅依靠换汤不换药的游戏模式,炒作型的代言宣传,最终很难进入真正的良性循环,无法进行永久经营。 鉴于此,对网络游戏运营商盈利模式的研究就成了网络游戏从业者亟待解决的难题。本文先对国内外网络游戏运营商的发展概况进行综述,了解其基本概念以及存在的问题,然后再通过对网易游戏与腾讯游戏国内两大网络游戏运营商的盈利模式在时间上,收费方式,增值服务等方面的比较,总结各自的优劣,提出成功的网络游戏运营商盈利模式的规律,同时也提出笔者对其他盈利模式的探索,旨在帮助我国网络游戏运营商走上一条长远的盈利道路。 关键词:网络游戏运营商 腾讯游戏 网易游戏 盈利模式 Abstract In 2016 the online games have a large market size. On   the face of it the online gamesOperators yields big profits. And as the number of the online games player grow large see nohard online games industry also will have large market size. Homogeneous and lack of prime power of innovation is the common trouble of the onlinegames industry. If we don?t solve this problem the growth of the online games industry willslow down or even decrease. And recently some online games have already closure. So if theonline games Operators haven?t the good business model to consult only depend on theinvariable game mode or speculate publicize which is hard to access to the virtuous cycle andforever management. In this situation the research on the profit model of online game operators has been theunsolved problem for their practitioners. This study provides an overview about thedevelopment of online game operators and finds out its fundamental concepts and existingproblems.   Through the comparison of profitable model between Netease and Tencent whichare two major online game operators in China on the aspects of time charging methodvalue-added service the writer summarizes their own advantages and puts forward the law ofsuccessful profit models. Meanwhile the writer also explores other models aiming atassisting China’s online game operators in adopting a sustainable pro



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