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GMAT 语法主讲:赵丽1. GMAT语?法介绍1.1自我介绍?---赵丽1.2 GMAT语?法课程介绍?1. GMAT介?绍第一部分:作文部分 Issue? and Argum?ent第二部分:Probl?em solvi?ng and Date suffi?cienc?y第三部分:Verba?l secti?on:Readi?ng compr?ehens?ion, Criti?cal reaso?ning, Sente?nce corre?ction?2.上课要求:讲什么记什?么3. 课程设置:1.总述2.解题步骤3.解题两大原?则4.十五点倾向?性5.四大出题原?则6.四大语法现?象4.GMAT总?纲Sente?nce corre?ction? quest?ions prese?nt a sente?nce,part or all of which? is under?lined?. Benea?th the sente?nce, you will find five ways of phras?ing the under?lined? passa?ge. The first? answe?r choic?e repea?ts the origi?nal; the other? four are diffe?rent. If you think? the origi?nal phras?ing is best, choos?e the first? answe?r, other?wise choos?e one of the other?s.例:黄皮书P6?38第一题?Altho?ugh a surge? in retai?l sales? have raise?d hopes? that there? is a recov?ery final?lyunder?way, many econo?mists? say that witho?ut a large? amoun?t of spend?ing the recov?ery might? not last.(A)have raise?d hopes? that there? is a recov?ery final?ly (B)raise?d hopes? for there? being? a recov?ery final?ly (C)had raise?d hopes? for a recov?ery final?ly being?(D)has raise?d hopes? that a recov?ery is final?ly (E)raise?d hopes? for a recov?ery final?ly This type of quest?ion tests? your abili?ty to recog?nize the corre?ctnes?s and effec?tiven?essof expre?ssion? in stand?ard writt?en Engli?sh. In choos?ing your answe?r,follo?w the requi?remen?ts of stand?ard writt?en Engli?sh; that is,pay atten?tion to gramm?ar, choic?e of words?, andsente?nce const?ructi?on. Choos?e the answe?r that produ?ces the most effec?tive sente?nce;thisanswe?r shoul?d be clear? and exact?, witho?ut awkwa?rdnes?s,ambig?uity,redun?dancy?,or gramm?atica?l error?.1.3 GMAT解?题步骤例:蓝皮书P2?891.Resea?rcher?s at Corne?ll unive?rsity? have demon?strat?ed that homin?g pigeo?ns can sense? chang?es in the earth?s field?, see light? waves? that peopl?e canno?t see, detec?t low-frequ?ency sound?s from miles? away, sense? chang?es in air press?ure, and can ident?ify famil?iar odors?.例:蓝皮书P2?892.Among? the reaso?ns