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2016年12月3日雅思考试机经 本文档格式为WORD,感谢你的阅读。 最新最全的 学术论文 期刊文献 年终总结 年终报告 工作总结 个人总结 述职报告 实习报告 单位总结 演讲稿 2016年12月3日雅思考试机经   2016年12月3日雅思已结束,本次考试未出现流程图/地图题,阅读部分均为旧题,具体答案和备考建议请参看文章:  一、考试概述:   本场考试填空类题目为25个,选择类题目为15个,没有出现地图题/流程图题和总结题。   Section 1   咨询——潜水课程咨询 10笔记   Section 2   介绍——旅游介绍 4单选+6配对   Section 3   师生讨论——作业改进 2多选+3单选+5笔记   Section 4   商业——商学院课程介绍 10笔记   二、具体题目分析:   Section 1   新旧情况:05104   场景: 咨询——潜水课程咨询   题型:10笔记   参考答案:   10笔记   1. the month on July   2. on a Saturday   3. initially, they will have indoor training   4. when completing, they will diving in a lake   5. equipment: only need to buy a diving mask   6. we also give homework every evening   7. there is a certificate to offer   8. cost total: 357 euros each person   9. registration name on the form   10. if need more information ate website   (答案仅供参考)   解析:本场考试的S1为10个常规的笔记完成题,其中Saturday, certificate 两个词是   拼写难点。   参考练习:C10T1S1   Section 2   新旧情况:20081911162   场景:介绍——旅游介绍   题型:4单选+6配对   11-14) multiple choices   11. Disadvantages:   A. uncommon landscape   12. in 1951, what happened to this park   B. it was awarded a special status   13. when camping, what should pay attention to?   A. camping has time limit   14. B(具体答案待回忆)   15.hide in the day (具体答案待回忆)   16-20)选择配对   16. course navigation in variety of levels   17. for volunteers’ information, available from a booklet   18. in case of missing road, need to buy a map   19. for more information, go to the Park’s website   20. wheelchair-access toilet for the disables   (答案仅供参考)   解析: 选择与配对混合的S2题目,考查整体原文理解能力。   参考练习:C11T3S2   Section 3   新旧情况:10302   场景:师生讨论——作业改进   题型:2多选+3单选+5笔记   参考答案:   21-23)多选   What’s causes for low score on the term paper   A. submit delay   B. the choice of topic on Just coffee company   C. poor planning   D. repetition   E. lack of accurate information   F. presentation   G. writing style   24-26)单选   24. Just coffee invest a lot money in communication   A. technical support   B. financial aids   25. the salary has greatly in


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