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简爱读后感英语(4篇) 以下是网友分享的关于简爱读后感英语的资料4篇,希望对您有所帮助,就爱阅读感谢您的支持。 篇一:简爱读后感英语 JANE EYPE—A BEAUTIFUL SOUL Can you find something different from my title? Yes, the letters in the title are all written in capitals. Why I write like this? Because the power of this woman —Jane Eype make me so “ frightened ”. Her chase of freedom, independence and equality touched my heart. This book tells a romantic story between Jane and Mr.Rochester. Jane was taken in and brought up by the Reeds. She is happy. But everything have changed after Mr. Reed died. Her life became sadder and harder. Everyone in this house began to insult her and hit her. Once time, she was hit by her cousion, she fought him. And then Mrs. Reed took her into the red house which Mr. Reed lived when he was alive. After that, Jane was sent to Roward Poorhouse. The rules of the poorhouse are very strict, the thing they ate and where they lived were horrible. A cold suddenly hurt the poorhouse after Jane came to it for some days. The best friend of Jane— Helen died because of the cold. Eight years later, Jane became the tutor of Thornfield Hall. One afternoon, she met Mr. Rochester in the countryside. Slowly, she fell in love with Mr. Rochester. Jane left Mr. Rochester because of his mad ex-wife. But she missed him so much. At last, she decided to him. When she arrived at the Thornfield Hall, she was surprised to find that everywhere of the hall has been burned. She quickly found Mr. Rochester who was badly hurt because of the fire and she was worried about. In the end, they get together and walk towards happiness. If let me talk about my idea of this story, I have to tell you the life of the author —Charlotte Bronte. Charlotte was born in Yorkshire in 1816. Charlotte had a similar live like Jane, but hers is worse and sadder. Her mother died when she was 5-year-old little girl. In 1824, two of her sisters died of the cold. When she was age of 15, she became a tutor to make money so that her young brothers and sisters c


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