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一、 选词填空。 1.The group? elect?ed(选举) one of its membe?rs to be their? spoke?spers?on. 2.Wage incre?ases are being? kept to a minim?um(最小量) in many compa?nies becau?se of the econo?mic depre?ssion?. 3.The engin?eerin?g profe?ssion? now has many disti?nct(分开的) branc?hes. 4.Now that you are 13 you shoul?d have more sense? of respo?nsibi?lity(责任). 5.Stude?nts usual?ly pursu?e(从事) one or more of the subje?cts,which? they have studi?ed at“A”level?,such as Art,Drama?,Engli?sh,Music?,etc. 6.We need to make sure that we explo?it(利用) our resou?rces as fully? as possi?ble. 7.Congr?ess is consi?derin?g measu?res to restr?ict(限制) the sale of cigar?ettes?. 8.Colle?ge cours?es shoul?d be desig?ned to equip?(使具备)stude?nt with knowl?edge and skill?s to help them survi?ve in moder?n socie?ty. 9.The local? gover?nment? grant?ed(授予) $1.1 milli?on so that the old theat?re could? be taken? down and rebui?lt. 10.For his achie?vemen?t in the medic?al field?, the Mayor? award?ed(授予) him a medal? of merit?. 11.I am absol?utely? sure that this dress? is a cheap?er versi?on(版本)of 12.The books?helve?s were crowd?ed with books? and scien?tific? publi?catio?ns(出版物). 13.If you want to open a file click?(点击) twice? on the icon for it. 14.To their? disap?point?ment,the thiev?es were spott?ed(发现)by the polic?e at the momen?t they were enter?ing the bank . 15.Durin?g World? War II, many refug?ees (难民) fled to the Unite?d State?s. 16.They have updat?e a lot of entri?es (条目) in the most recen?t editi?on of the dicti?onary?. 17.Despi?te finan?cial (财政) diffi?culti?es ,they did not find the life in Londo?n unple?asant?. 18.After? a lot of part-time jobs,John final?ly got a full-time (全职的) posit?ion. 19.In your repor?t,you shoul?d give a detai?led (详细的) descr?iptio?n of the whole? incid?ent. 20.Compa?nies publi?sh annua?l (年度的) repor?ts to infor?m the publi?c about? the previ?ous year’s activ?ities?. 21. Compa?ny loyal?ty made him turn down many attra?ctive? (吸引人的) offer?s. 22.Mille?r’s fasci?natio?n (着迷) w


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