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、| !_ 一个人总要?走陌生的路?,看陌生的风?景,听陌生的歌?,然后在某个?不经意的瞬?间,你会发现,原本费尽心?机想要忘记?的事情真的?就这么忘记?了.. ????新编大学英?语(第二版)》由浙江大学?编著,应惠兰主编?,外语教学与?研究出版社?出版,刊出其习题?答案是为了?我三合在读?大学生,同时欢迎关?注三合的朋?友们分享,更多内容请?点击博客首?页并在“搜博主文章?”中按关键字?搜索。? Unit 1 Perso?nalit?y Vocab?ulary? (P16) 1. 1) self-consc?ious?? 2) self-confi?dence? 3) self-estee?m??? 4) self-destr?uctiv?e 5) self-worth? ?? 6) self-conce?pt???? 7) Self-aware?ness? 8) self-assur?ance/self-confi?dence? 2. 1)B? 2)I? 3)L? 4)A? 5)H? 6)D? 7)E? 8)N? 9)J? 10)M? 11)C? 12)F? 13)G? 14)K 3.?1) profo?und??? 2) jealo?usy???? 3) numer?ous? 4) overw?eight?? ?5) overc?ome? 6) event?ually?? ?? 7) slim?????? ?8) compl?iment?s? 9) dimin?ish? 10) reass?uranc?e? 11) detri?menta?l? ? 12) isola?ted?? 13) self-estee?m 14) accen?ted 4. 1) refle?cted? 2) conce?rned/worri?ed? 3) profo?und effec?t/influ?ence? 4) viewe?d/regar?ded? ?? 5)sensi?tive?? 6) respo?nd/react?????? 7)elimi?nated????????????????? ?8)overc?ome my fear ?? 9) conce?ntrat?e on????????????????? 10) made no comme?nt Trans?latio?n (P17) 1) You shoul?d spend? a reaso?nable? amoun?t of time relax?ing and exerc?ising?. 2) In gener?al child?ren are healt?hier and bette?r educa?ted than ever befor?e. 3) When the right? oppor?tunit?y comes? along?, he’ll take it. 4) Every? day he sets aside? some time to be with his famil?y and enjoy? life. 5) I remem?ber those? dark stree?ts and walki?ng hand in hand with my fathe?r. 6) He final?ly faile?d to live up to his paren?ts’ expec?tatio?ns. 7) In contr?ast, our use of oil has incre?ased enorm?ously?. 8) He succe?eded in his effor?ts to overc?ome his fatal? weakn?ess. Part Four? Writi?ng and Trans?latio?n (P46) 2. Trans?latio?n Pract?ice 1) It is belie?ved that pessi?mism often? leads? to hopel?essne?ss, sickn?ess and failu?re. 2) Optim?ism, by contr?ast, can make you happy?, healt?hy and succe?ssful?. 3) When you fail in somet?hing, profi?t from the failu?re as a learn?ing exper?ience?. 4) Think? about? your stren?gths and build? up self-confi?dence? in front? of prob


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