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毕业设计(论文)电力系统规划设计 Abstract Since the electricity used in production, it has become a modern production, the main energy of life, industry and agriculture, transportation, defense, science and technology and peoples living conditions have been widely used…. The development of electric power industry and the level of electrification is a measure of the level of national economic development an important indicator. The design is the subject of power system planning and design of a specific power system. its performance is directly related to the industrial production and peoples lives, and therefore the power system planning and design, must meet three requirements : reliability, flexibility and economy. From the design of the original data analysis began to determine the load capacity and reasonable; Check to meritorious Reactive balance; and the design of the program to do the initial comparison, and then from the technical comparison, make the economy more precise, in order to determine the main wiring system forms the main wiring plant forms; Have the right to determine the form of wiring, power plants, substations capacity models of choice, identified transformers and high voltage circuit breaker models; Finally circuit, and the surge tide, check the selected program, Electrical equipment reliability, flexibility. Key words: Load;Power;Short-circuit current  目 录 1 绪论 8 1.1 课题研究背景及意义 8 1.2本设计原始资料的分析 8 装机容量 8 负荷合理性 8 2 电力负荷分析 10 2.1 系统供电负荷和发电负荷计算 10 系统的供电负荷 10 系统的发电负荷 10 2.2 系统备用容量 11 负荷备用容量 11 事故备用容量 11 检修备用容量 11 3 有功功率、无功功率平衡 12 3.1 计算有功平衡 12 3.2 计算无功平衡 12 总的无功负荷 12 总的视在功率 12 无功综合负荷 12 发电机组提供的无功功率 12 4 系统接线的初步方案 14 4.1 方案的初步选定及比较 14 4.2 网络导线截面的选择 17 按经济电流密度选择导线截面积 17 5 发电厂主接线设计 21 5.1 发电厂的电气主接线的要求 21 没有发电机电压母线 21 变电所的主接线设计 21 5.2 主接线简图 21 6 主变压器的选择 23 6.1 发电厂主变的选择要求 23 6.2 变电所主变的选择要求 24 6.3 发电厂、变电所主变的选择 24 发电厂主变压器、 24 发电厂主变压器 24 变电所1的主变压器 24 变电所2的主变压器 25 变电所3的主变压器 25 变电所4的主变压器 25 7 用经济比较法确定最终方案 25 7.1 综合总投资的计算方法


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