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摘 要 ABSTRACT This article has elaborated the injection mould design of the Computer monitors support stands. Designed all system of the injecting mould and orientating instiution, side disparting modle and taking out core institution. Besides, analyzing material’capabilities. The whole design processeses are all according to the foundation of the software of Pro/e. Particularly being to the usage of the MPA(the Moldflow Plastics Advisers) make the whole die designprocess simplification understand. Using MPA carries through model stream analysis for mould design and type technology to offer reference basis; then using Pro/e to carries out moulding parts and understandarding parts, according the whole parameter melts to design, namely carrying through dividing mould, generation element and examination mould and so on. Finally, we can complete the integral design of the mould. At the same time we can use it turn from the picture of 3D for 2D, immediacily instruct production. Basising the characteristic of the mould, the mould design side core slide. These things also constituted main contents of this die design. Key words:Injection molding; Mold design; Simulation; 目录 1绪论 1 1.1我国注塑模具的发展现状与发展趋势 1 1.2课题研究的目的与意义 3 2液晶显示器支撑架模具设计 4 2.1塑件成型工艺性分析 4 2.2注射机型号的确定 6 2.3型腔数量及注射机工艺参数的校核 8 2.4型腔确定及分型面的选择 11 2.5浇注系统的设计 12 2.6模具成型零部件的设计 16 2.7结构零部件设计 20 2.8推出机构设计 22 2.9侧向分型与抽芯机构的设计 24 2.10冷却系统的设计 26 2.11本章小结 28 3模具三维实体造型 29 3.1实体分模 29 3.2模架建模 32 3.3本章小结 35 4塑件成型过程中的计算机模拟 36 4.1有限元分析方法的基本思想 36 4.2有限元方法的特点 37 4.3 Moldflow2010软件介绍 37 4.4零件注塑成型分析 39 4.5本章小结 56 5总结与展望 57 6参考文献 58 7致谢 59 8附录一 9附录二 1绪论 1.1我国注塑模具的发展现状与发展趋势 近年来,我国塑料模具业发展迅速。根据塑料成型工艺方法的不同,通常将塑料模具分为注塑模具、压缩模具、传递模具、挤出模具、中空吹塑模具、热成型模具等。目前,塑料模具在整个模具行业中约占30%左右,而在整个塑料模具市场以注塑模具需求量最大。合理的加工工艺、高效的设备、先进的模具是实现现代塑料制品生产必不可少的三大重要要素。对注塑模具设计的要求是:能生产出在尺寸精度、外观、物理性能、力学性能等方面均能满足使用要求的优质制品。利用计算机进行塑料模具设计(CAD),并初步实现了注射成型工艺过程的计算机模拟分析(CAE),这方面软件技术研究的进展,已在工程运用中取得了显著效果。利用CAD/CAE技术显著提高了模具设计的效率,减少模具设计过程中的失误,提高了模具和塑件制品的质量,缩短了生产周期,降低了模具和塑件制品模具设计长期以来一直依靠人的经验和


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