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在线学英语?:读故事学英?语,20天背完?5000单?词 第二课B-1 bache?lor n.学士(学位);单身男子 back and forth? 来回,往返,来来往往地? back down/off 放弃,让步,退却 back of 在…后部,在…背部 back up 支持,援助;倒退,后退 backg?round? n.背景,经历 backw?ard a.向后的,倒行的;落后的,迟钝的 ad.(also ~s)向后,朝反方向 bacon? n.咸肉,熏肉 bacte?rium n.([pl.]bacte?ria)细菌 badge? n.徽章 badmi?nton n.羽毛球 bagga?ge n.行李 baker?y n.面包房 balan?ce v.称;(使)平衡 n.天平,称;平衡,均衡;差额,结余,余款 bald a.秃的,秃头的 ballo?on n.气球 ban v.取缔,查禁;(from)禁止 n.禁止,禁令 band n.条,带;乐队;波段;一群,一伙v.缚,绑扎 banda?ge n.绷带 v.用绷带扎缚? bang n.砰砰的声音?;猛击,猛撞v.砰地关上,猛撞,猛击 bankr?upt a.破产的 bankr?uptcy? n.破产 v.使破产 banne?r n.旗(帜) bar n.条,杆,棒,棍,闩;酒吧,餐柜;栏,障碍(物)v.闩上;阻拦,拦住,妨碍 barbe?r n.理发师 words?: 21 phras?es: 4 total?: 25 Georg?e was a littl?e backw?ard since? his child?hood, but he was award?ed a badge? for his hard work in study?. So it was’t surpr?ising? that he had attai?ned a bache?lor’s degre?e witho?ut any backg?round?. The first? day Georg?e came to a villa?ge after? gradu?ation?, he saw birds? fly back and forth? over it. There? was a strea?m back of a bar. Sudde?nly a girl lost her balan?ce and fell down in front? of him. “You have to back up then turn aroun?d”, he said and helpe?d her up. Then he banda?ged up her injur?ed ankle?. The girl judge?d him to be a bache?lor from his simpl?e bagga?ge. She invit?ed him to her home. The house? was decor?ated with some color?ed ballo?ons and banne?rs. A badmi?nton racke?t was hung on the wall. But iron bacte?rium had made it rusty?. Her fathe?r, Mr. White? was a barbe?r, but he himse?lf was almos?t bald. Mrs.White? ran a baker?y. And her bacon? bread? was famou?s. The girl backe?d her mothe?r up whole?-heart?edly. So their? baker?y would? never? go bankr?upt. That eveni?ng, Georg?e invit?ed the girl to see a movie? that was banne?d in the 60’s. She used a rubbe?r band to tie her hair then follo?wed him. They went out with the bang of the door behin?d them. But Georg?e backe?d down what he said soon. He decid?ed to treat? the whole? famil?y to a big dinne?r first?. 乔治从孩童?起就有点迟?钝,但他因为学?习努力而被?授予徽


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