操作系统Chapter02_OSOperating System Overview教学文稿.ppt

操作系统Chapter02_OSOperating System Overview教学文稿.ppt

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操作系统Chapter02_OSOperating System Overview教学文稿.ppt

* Process * 2.3.2 Memory Management Process isolation Automatic allocation and management Support of modular programming Protection and access control Long-term storage * Operating System Overview Chapter 2 * 2.1 Operating System Objectives Convenience Makes the computer more convenient to use Efficiency Allows computer system resources to be used in an efficient manner Ability to evolve Permit effective development, testing, and introduction of new system functions without interfering with service * Layers of Computer System * 2.1.1 Services Provided by the Operating System Program development Editors and debuggers Program execution Access to I/O devices Controlled access to files System access * Services Provided by the Operating System Error detection and response Internal and external hardware errors Memory error Device failure Software errors Arithmetic overflow Access forbidden memory locations Operating system cannot grant request of application * 2.1.3 Evolution of an Operating System Hardware upgrades plus new types of hardware New services Fixes * 2.2 Evolution of Operating Systems 2.2.1 Serial Processing 2.2.2 Simple Batch Systems 2.2.3 Multiprogramming Batch 2.2.4 Time Sharing System 2.2.5 Real Time System * 2.2 Evolution of Operating Systems 2.2.1 Serial Processing No operating system Machines run from a console with display lights, toggle switches, input device, and printer Schedule time Setup included loading the compiler, source program, saving compiled program, and loading and linking * 2.2 Evolution of Operating Systems 2.2.2 Simple Batch Systems Monitors Software that controls the sequence of events Batch jobs together Program branches back to monitor when finished * Job Control Language (JCL) Special type of programming language Provides instruction to the monitor What compiler to use What data to use * Other Features Memory protection Do not allow the memory area containing the monitor to be altered Privileged instructions Certain machin



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