江苏省昆山市鹿峰中学牛津译林版七年级英语下册课件:Unit8 Welcome to the unit (共23张).pptx

江苏省昆山市鹿峰中学牛津译林版七年级英语下册课件:Unit8 Welcome to the unit (共23张).pptx

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江苏省昆山市鹿峰中学牛津译林版七年级英语下册课件:Unit8 Welcome to the unit (共23张)

Unit 8 Pets;Do you have a pet at home? Which animal can be pets?;________to people; help people_________; be good at English, always shout___________; sometimes play with people in the park ;usually sleep in the daytime; love to sleep on people’s_______; _______ when it feels hungry; like eating ______and_______;pet rude goldfish mouse parrot knee hold feed teach ;Who is a pet?;Listen and answer ; It’s 12.30 now. it’s time for l____, Eddie is very h_____. So he asks Hobo to b______ him his lunch. Hobo thinks Eddie is too r____, he wants him to say p_____ and be more p____. Eddie wants to h______ a new E-dog.;_______________ ; Which is your favourite pet ? why ?;1.Danel:I love my parrot because_____ a. I like watching them swim around. 2 Kitty: I like my rabbit because _____ b. she loves to sleep on my knees. 3.Peter:I like goldfish because______ c. it’s very small and soft and I can hold it in my hand. 4.Sandy:I like my mouse best because____d. I can feed her carrots and I like her long ears. 5.Millie:I like my dog because ______ e. I can play with him in the park. 6.Amy:I like my cat because _____ f. he can sing, and I want to teach him to speak. ;A; can live 150 years old ; can feed carrots ears ;;;;;;Talk about your pet with your classmate.;Group work; try to learn more about different pets. 2. Preview the poems(诗 歌) in Reading.



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