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基于J2EE的医院医护信息管理系统 摘要:医院医护信息管理系统是一个适用于小型医院的计算机化的医护信息管理系统,用于支持医院的行政管理与事务处理业务减轻事务处理人员的劳动强度,辅助医院管理,辅助高层领导决策,提高医院的工作效率,从而使医院能够以少的投入获得更好的社会效益与经济效益 关键字:J2EE; Struts; Spring; iBatis;HIS。 DoctorNurse Information Management System Abstract: DoctorNurse information management system is a computerized system which applies into the small-scale hospitals. The system is used to facilitate the administration and transaction processing, alleviate the labor intensity of the hospital staff, as well as assist the high-level officers to manage the hospital and make big decisions. In this way, the work efficiency is improved. Therefore, the hospital is able to obtain better social and economical benefit at a lower price. This system is a B/S information management system based on J2EE and it is developed with the open source framework technology such as Struts, Spring and iBatis. The following functions can be achieved by this system: (1)The administrator log onto the system to administrate and maintain the staffs’ information and the basic information of the hospital. (2) The users log onto the system to administrate and maintain the personal information. (3) The doctors log onto the system to administrate and maintain the patients’ information. (4) The doctors log onto the system to record the diagnosis result and treat process of the patients. (5) The administrators log onto the system to manage and maintain the room information. (6) The room usage condition can be generated. key words: J2EE; Struts; Spring; iBatis;HIS. 目录 第一章 引言 1 1.1 系统应用背景 1 1.2国内外研究现状 1 1.3 本系统的特点与定位 1 第二章 技术方法 1 2.1开发环境介绍 3 2.1.1集成开发环境:eclipse 3 2.1.2 Web应用服务器:JBoss 3 2.1.3 数据库服务器:MySql 3 2.2开源框架介绍 3 2.2.1 Struts 3 2.2.2 Spring 4 2.2.3 iBatis 4 2.3设计模式介绍 4 2.4 J2EE简介 5 2.4.1 J2EE的概念 5 2.4.2 J2EE的优点 5 2.4.3 J2EE三层模型 6 2.5 研究设计方法 6 2.5.1表现层 6 2.5.2 控制层 6 2.5.3 DAO层 6 2.6 与其他技术的比较 7 2.6.1 ASP开发语言 7 2.6.2 PHP开发语言 7 2.6.3 JSP开发语言 7 2.6.4性能比较: 8 3.1需求概述 9 3.1.1业务功能 9 3.1.2信息交流功能 9 3.1.3安全 9 3.2 业务流程分析 9 4.1系统设计 11


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