
寄宿制普通高中青年教师职业道德现状的调查分析——以河南省扶沟县为例-investigation and analysis of the present situation of young teachers professional ethics in boarding ordinary high schools - taking fugou county, henan province as an example.docx

寄宿制普通高中青年教师职业道德现状的调查分析——以河南省扶沟县为例-investigation and analysis of the present situation of young teachers professional ethics in boarding ordinary high schools - taking fugou county, henan province as an example.docx

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寄宿制普通高中青年教师职业道德现状的调查分析——以河南省扶沟县为例-investigation and analysis of the present situation of young teachers professional ethics in boarding ordinary high schools - taking fugou county, henan province as an example

摘要教育的发展离不开高素质的教师,教师自身的行为具有教化和示范作用,他 们的人生观、价值观直接作用于学生的内心世界;对学生、家庭乃至整个社会都 起着潜移默化的影响。正因为教师职业的崇高性,社会对教师职业道德的要求往 往高于其它职业。高校的扩招,普通高中学生逐渐增加,新增教师也日益增多。 目前,青年教师已成为普通高中教师队伍的中坚力量。他们是人类潜质的开发者, 是创新人才的培养者,是先进文化的传播者,是科教兴国的主力军。接受新鲜事 物能力较强的他们大多都在教学第一线,他们的道德与理念直接影响青少年的健 康发展。转型期的社会加速了中国腾飞的步伐,但也冲击着少数人的思想。近几 年,扶沟县 35 岁以下的青年教师在教师职业道德方面暴露出越来越多的问题, 现已成为教师问题中的焦点。因此,青年教师职业道德现状的研究仍然是教育工 作者共同的课题。本研究主要分为五部分: 第一部分为引言部分,主要阐述本研究的缘起、理论与现实意义、研究思路与方法及教师职业道德的相关理论研究。第二部分首先对扶沟县普通高中青年教师的基本情况加以陈述。在此基础上 采用文献综述、问卷调查、访谈等方法对寄宿制普通高中青年教师职业道德的现 状进行归纳与总结,进而得出青年教师职业道德中的良好现象与失范现象。第三部分对少数青年教师职业道德的失范现象从青年教师自身、学校与教育 主管部门和社会不良环境三大方面进行分析与探讨。试图在分析与探讨中找出扶 沟县部分青年教师职业道德失范现象的原因。第四部分根据扶沟县的教育资源、环境及青年教师自身特点,从微观和宏观 两大方面提出有针对性的、可行的提升寄宿制普通高中青年教师职业道德素养的 策略。最后,通过总结与反思,希望扶沟县青年教师将其职业道德的优良传统继 续发扬光大,期待寄宿制学校青年教师职业道德失范现象的对策能为广大的教育 工作者提供参考。关键词:寄宿制普通高中;青年教师;职业道德;调查研究AbstractEducations development cant be separated from the high quality teachers, and teachers behavior have an important role in the enlightenment and demonstration, their outlook on life and the values have directly effect on students hearts and their inner world; and they also have a subtle influence in students, family and the whole society .Because of the nobility of teacher occupation, society often requires teachers professional ethics higher than other profession. With the enrollment of university , ordinary high school students increases gradually, and new teachers currently increases, young teachers have became the nucleus in ordinary high school. They are human potential developers, innovative talent culturists, advanced culture disseminators, and the mainstaies of rejuvenating the country through science and education. They who have strong ability to accept new things are mostly in the first line, their ethics and concept directly affect the healthy development of teenagers. The social transformation accelerated the pace of Chinas boom, but it also impacted a few people thoughts. In recent years, more and more teachers professional ethics problems of young teachers wh



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