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5G UNLOCKS;5G networks will offer an unprecedented leap in bandwidth speeds in comparison to previous mobile networks. For example, downlink peak data throughput could reach 20 Gbps, while uplink peak data rates could be as high as 10 Gbps. 5G will also reduce latency and improve overall network efficiency. Streamlining network architectures will deliver end-to-end latency requirements of less than 5 ms. This will allow 5G to offer ultra-reliable low-latency communication for machine-to-machine and public safety applications.
As it delivers new infrastructure solutions, 5G will depend on an end-to-end digital service transformation, which will minimise OPEX, deliver efficiencies, and drive revenue growth. For 5G to deliver an attractive business model to mobile network operators and their customers, the network must enable efficient provisioning of a wide variety of new services for varied customers with different service level needs and performance requirements. Not only will operators need to provide services to customers across enterprise verticals efficiently, but they will need to commercialize those services rapidly and effectively.
This whitepaper explores the top 10 applications that will harness the versatile capabilities of 5G.;Table of Contents;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Copyright C Huaw哩iTechnol句ies 臼,l:创.20’7. Allrights reserved.
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