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【计算机专业文献翻译】数据库系统 计算机专业中英文文献翻译 英文原文2: DATABASE SYSYTEMS 121 DATA BASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS You know that a data ase is a collection of logically elated data elements that may e st uctu ed in va ious ways to meet the multiple p ocessing and et ieval needs of o ganizations and individuals. The e’s nothing new a out data asesea ly ones we e chiseled in stone, penned on sc olls, and w itten on index ca ds. But now data ases a e commonly eco ded on magnetizea le media, and compute p og ams a e equi ed to pe fo m the necessa y sto age and et ieval ope ations. You’ll see in the following pages that complex data elationships and linkages may e found in all ut the simplest data ases. The system softwa e package that handles the difficult tasks associated with c eating, accessing, and maintaining data ase eco ds is called a data ase management system (DBMS). The p og ams in a DBMS package esta lish an inte face etween the data ase itself and the use s of the data ase. (These use s may e applications p og amme s, manage s and othe s with info mation needs, and va ious OS p og am.) A DBMS can o ganize, p ocess, and p esent selected data elements f om the data ase. This capa ility ena les decision make s to sea ch, p o e, and que y data ase contents in o de to ext act answe s to non ecu ing and unplanned questions that a en’t availa le in egula epo ts. These questions might initially e vague and o poo ly defined, ut people can “ owse” th ough the data ase until they have the needed info mation. In sho t, the DBMS will “manage” the sto ed data items and assem le the needed items f om the common data ase in esponse to the que ies of those who a en’t p og amme s. In a file o iented system, use s needing special info mation may communicate thei needs to a p og amme , who, when time pe mits, will w ite one o mo e p og ams to ext act the data and p epa e the info mation. The availa ility of a DBMS, howeve , offe s use s a much faste alte native communications path 122 DBMS STRUCTURIN


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