Lecture 19-20 不定式.ppt

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Lecture 19-20 不定式

Time Thousands of young people are learning to ski. (present) Where can we get some sickles to cut the rice with? (future) I hate to be lying in bed like this while other students are having class. She resolved to be going. I long to be seeing her. C.f. He is said to write a preface to the book. (He will write) He is said to be writing a preface to the book. (he is writing) It is good to sit here with you. It is good to be sitting here with you. 不定式的完成体 用在intended, expected, meant, hoped, wanted, planned, wished, thought, desired, was, were等词后面,表示过去没有实现的愿望、期待或计划。 I hoped to have finished the work earlier. I intended to have come to see you. He was to have fetched you here, but he forgot. They were to have married in May but had to postpone the wedding until June. 不定式的完成体 还可以表示先于谓语动词发生的动作或状态, to have done表示动作,to have been表示状态。 She seems to dance very well. She seems to have danced very well. There appears to be some misunderstanding between them. There appears to have been some misunderstanding between them. Come to do 表示一个动作发生的过程 He will come to understand it in the end. She has come to like him. Later he came to be a famous painter. One day she may come to be ashamed of what she had done. 在noun/pronoun + be+ easy/difficult/ fit +to do sth.结构中,有时尽管句中主语是动作的承受者,不定式在意义上是被动的,形式上却是主动的。 This book is difficult to read. He is hard to convince. The film is great fun to see. The food was not fit to eat. The causes are not far to seek. The path is easy to find. 主语是all, what等引导的从句,主语受only, first, one, least或形容词最高级修饰,而且后面的从句或短语中有实义动词do时,作表语的不定式一般不用to. The least you can do is help up a little. What she did to the matter was keep silent. The only thing I could do was go it alone. All she does is gossip about others. Practice 1. Did you find out ____ the pie out of the oven? A. to take B. have taken C. when to take D. being taken (C) 2. You would become irritated if you watched the mail _____ on your desk every day.


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