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语 句 重 音 一般句子重音 句子重音一般落在句子的实词(实义动词、名词、形容词和副词)以及充当主语的人称代词上,而虚词(连词、代词、介词等)需要弱读。如果句意没有需要特别强调的地方,句子最重的重音落在句子的最后一个实词上,称作一般句子重音。所以如果句子最后一个是实义动词、名词、形容词或副词时,一般这也是句子的主重音所在。句子中最重的重音被称为主重音,其他的重读的实词称为次重音。 * 句子重音 升降调 Sentence Stress and intonation 句子重音的一般规则 实词重读,虚词不重读 * 1、名词 一般都重读 There is a book on the desk. My sister put up a picture on the wall. John wants to see the teacher after class. An elephant is an animal. * 2、形容词一般都应重读 The sky is blue. The streets are wide, clean and beautiful. It’s a dull and disappointing film. That’s exciting news. * 3、数词一般都应重读 His first daughter is fifteen. Her second son is twenty five. He bought ten cups and I bought only four. * 4、动词 主要动词,或称实意动词、行为动词 (notional verb)都要重读 (be、have 除外) He ‘takes a ’walk after ‘supper ’every ‘day. ’Don’t for‘get your ’homework. I sup‘pose you ’know him. 非限定动词一般也都要重读 不定式 We de‘cided to ’start the ‘next ’day. 分词 We sat at the desk writing a letter. 动名词 It’s no use asking him about that. * 5、副词,大部分副词需要重读。 They can speak English fluently. They came back early yesterday. Where did you buy it? Why do you come? You meet people everywhere. I’ve never heard of such a thing before * 6、代词 常重读的代词有 1.指示代词, this,that,these,those。 This is not what I mean. That isn’t the one I asked for. Do you like ()these flowers? 但如指示代词前后都有重音时,该指示代词可失去重音 How do you like those little ones? Who wrote this interesting story? * 2. 反身代词 He himself cooked the dinner. We ourselves bought the ticket. I saw it myself. The man himself told me so. 3.不定代词 We are many, they are few. Some are boys, some are girls. 4.疑问代词 Who are you talking to? What can I do for you? * 7.感叹词 感叹词是表示某种感情的自然一般都重读 Ah! Oh! Ugh![‘uh] Eh? Fancy! Goodness! Nonsense! Hello! Indeed! How awful! 但如果后面紧跟一个有强重音的词,单音节的 感叹词可以不重读,但音调很高 Ah no! Oh well! Oh dear! * 节奏 O O O O


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