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前向人工神经网络敏感性研究 一. 引言 三. 研究方法 1. 自底向上方法 ●单个神经元 ●整个网络 2. 概率统计方法 ●概率(离散型) ●均值(连续型) 3. n-维几何模型 ●超矩形的顶点(离散型) ●超矩形体(连续型) 四.已获成果(代表性论文) ●敏感性分析: “Sensitivity Analysis of Multilayer Percep- tron to Input and Weight Perturbations,” IEEE Trans. on Neural Networks, vol. 12, no.6, pp. 1358-1366, Nov. 2001. ●敏感性量化: “A Quantified Sensitivity Measure for Multi- layer Perceptron to Input Perturbation,” Neural Computation, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 183-212, Jan. 2003. 五. 未来工作 ●进一步完善已有的结果,使之更加实用 – 放松限制条件 – 扩大分析范围 – 精确量化计算 ●进一步应用所得的结果,解决实际问题 ●探索新方法,研究新类型的网络 结束 Effects of input weight deviations on neurons’ sensitivity Sensitivity increases with input and weigh deviations, but the increase has an upper bound. Effects of input dimension on neurons’ sensitivity There exists an optimal value for the dimension of input, which yields the highest sensitivity value. Effects of input weight deviations on MLPs’ sensitivity Sensitivity of an MLP increases with the input and weight deviations. Effects of the number of neurons in a layer Sensitivity of MLPs: { n-2-2-1 | 1?n ?10 } to the dimension of input. Sensitivity of MLPs: { 2-n-2-1 | 1?n ?10 } to the number of neurons in the 1st layer. Sensitivity of MLPs: { 2-2-n-1 | 1?n ?10 } to the number of neurons in the 2nd layer . There exists an optimal value for the number of neurons in a layer, which yields the highest sensitivity value. The nearer a layer to the output layer is, The more effect the number of neurons in the layer has. Effects of the number of layers Sensitivity of MLPs:{2-1,2-2-1,..,2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-1} to the number of layers. Sensitivity decreases with the number increasing, and the decrease almost levels off when the number becomes large. Sensitivity of the neurons with 2-dimensional input Sensitivity of the neurons with 3-dimensional input Sensitivity of the neurons with 4-dimen



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