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“假日经济”营销问题探讨 摘 要 进入21世纪, 随着社会经济水平的提高,“假日经济”一词逐渐走入人们的视野。众所周知,假日经济是我国生产力发展的必然结果。而假日旅游市场方面的发展,更是我国假日经济发展的重要表现形式。特别是2013年,由于旅游法实施,旅游市场 HOLIDAY ECONOMY MARKETING LSSUES SUMMARY ABSTRACT In the 21st century, with the improvement of social economy level, holiday economy gradually into peoples vision. As we all know, the holiday economy is the inevitable result of development of productive forces. The holiday tourism market developments, it is our holiday an important form of economic development. Especially in 2013, the implementation of the new Tourism Law, but also show the tourism market booming momentum. However, the process of economic development during the holidays, in the tourism industry market also highlights the many problems. We realize that the holiday economy on stimulating domestic demand and expand consumption has a positive impact, but also should be aware that illicit trade and increasingly revealed unsound holiday system for our holiday economy incalculable negative effects. We should pay attention to the holiday economy based on the development of the main problems facing the tourism industry to make on-site research, for consumers, the tourism industry operators, as well as a leader in the tourism market, regulators, to provide some reference solving measures and countermeasures, so that the holiday economy marketing problems, towards sustainable development. KEYWORDS Holiday Economy ,Tourism Industry ,Government regulation 中文摘要 I 应文摘要 II 引 言 1 1 假日经济与假日营销概念 2 1.1 假日经济 2 1.1.1 假日经济的定义 2 1.1.2 假日经济的特点 2 1.1.3 假日经济产生的原因 3 1.1.4 假日经济对旅游产业的影响 4 1.2 假日营销 5 1.2.1 假日营销的定义 5 1.2.2 假日营销中需要注意的问题 5 1.2.3 假日营销在旅游产业中存在的问题 6 2 2013年“十一”黄金周期间旅游产业的运营状况 7 2.1 2013年“十一”黄金周旅游市场的特点 7 2.1.1 新法约束,万象更新 7 2.1.2 需求高涨,市场繁荣 7 2.1.3 自驾旅游,形式多样 7 2.1.4 出境旅游,线长面广 8 2.1.5 活动丰富,气氛祥和 8 2.2 全国十一黄金周接待游客数量及旅游收入情况 8 2.2.1 十一黄金周接待游客数量 8 2.2.2 十一黄金周旅游收入情况 10 2.3 全国假日办值班室投诉情况 11 3 2013年国庆假日旅游中出现的热点问题及其原因分析 12 3.1 国庆假日中出现的热点问题 12 3.1.1 高速拥堵,惹人烦忧 12 3.1.2 景区爆棚,游客滞留


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