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小学句型转换练习题-小学英语句型转换 小学英语重点句型转换  在现在时态中   Be动词, am is are的原形都是 be   在过去时态中,   Be动词 was were      他们的原形也是be   They  are      were   do     did She   is       was     does     did 1,在陈述句中,   am 当句子的主语为I时 eg: I am a teacher.   is 当句子的主语 为he/she/it等第三人称单数时.   Eg: He is a good boy. This book is on the desk.   are当句子的主语为we/you/they及复数现象(可数名词的复数做主语)时:   eg: they are sitting in the classroom.   These apples are ripe now.   Was / were 的用法,只看主语是单数还是复数。主语是单数的话,选择BE 动词WAS,如果主语是复数的话,选择 BE动词WERE.   I /he /she /it was at home yesterday.   They were in the classroom .   2,把陈述句改为否定句,   直接在陈述句中的BE动词后面加NOT。   Eg: I am not a teacher.   He is not (isnt ) a good boy.   This book isnt on the desk.   They are not sitting in the classroom.   These apples are not ripe now.   I was not (wasnt) at home yesterday.   3,把陈述句改为一般疑问句,并作肯定、否定回答。   把BE 动词提前,并且第一个字母要大写,原来的主语第一个字母由大写变小写,句子末尾的句号变问号。   作肯定回答是: YES,主语+ BE 动词   作否定回答是: NO,主语+ BE 动词+ NOT   Eg: 1) Are you a teacher ?   Yes, I am   No, I am not   2) Is he a good boy ?   Yes, he is   No, he is not   3) Is this book on the desk ?   Yes, it is   No, it is not   4) Are they sitting in the classroom ?   Yes, they are No,they are not (arent)   5) Are these apples ripe now ?   Yes, they are  No,they are not .   There Be   1,陈述句   .There is + 不可数名词/单数可数名词   are + 可数名词复数   eg: There is a book on the desk.   There is much milk in the glass.   There is a book and three apples on the desk.   There are many students in the classroom.   2,陈述句变否定句,直接在BE 动词后面加NOT。   Eg: 1) There is not a book on the desk. There is not much water .   2) There are not any students in the classroom.   注:(many and some 在否定句和疑问句中变为 any)   3)陈述句变一般疑问句,并作肯定、否定回答。   把BE 动词提前,句子开头第一个字母要大写,后面的要照抄。 1  There is a book on the desk.   Is there a book on the desk ?   Yes,there is   No,there isnt   2  There are many students in the classroom.   Are there any students in the classroom ?   Yes ,there are No, there arent   Do类动词   在一般现在时态中,使用助动词( do does ),在


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