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回归反射织物的现状与发展前景 ( 200 No. 11) 于范芹 (中国纺织科学研究院, 北京 100025) : , ; , , ; : 功能性整理; 反光织物; 现状; 发展 : TS19559 : A : 1000- 4017( 2005) 11- 0043- 02 Present status and developing trend of retroreflective fabric YU Fanqin ( Ch ina Tex tile R esearch Institu te, B e ij ing 100025, Ch ina) Abstract: T h is pa per b rie fly rev iew s the dev e ol p ing histo ry, p roduct oi n status o f retro re flective fa b ric both at hom e a nd a broa d. Re flective intens ity, a ppea rance, ha nd el , m a nufa ctu ring d iffci u lty, a s w e lla s the p roduc tion co st o f th ree m e thods such a s m i c rosp he ric g al ss coating, m ic rosp he ric g al ss fol c king a nd trans fe rring a re compa red. T he mi po rtance o f retro re flective fab ric is illustra ted th rough a se ries o f traffic a cc di ent data, the p rospect o f the m a rke t is foreca st. K ey words: functiona l fin ish; re trore flective fa br ci ; p resent sta tus; dev e ol pm ent 1 回归反射织物的发展 20 60, 1975 LS , 300 JISZ911720 , 80, , 3M , , , , , , [ 1] , , , 20 60 80 , , , 1920, , , 80, , , 80 , 1930, , , , , ,


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