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Module 10(Book Six) Unit 2 I’m in New York now. 教学目标 认知目标 掌握本单元的单词和句型。 初步感知本单元对话内容。 掌握“wh”“ wr” 读音规律 。 能力目标 能陈述自己和他人的旅游经历。 情感目标 理解一些旅游小常识。 教学重点、难点 重点 单词:arrive taxi flat building made again 句型:Grandma made Chinese food for me. I want to try American food . I will write again soon. 难点 “wh”、“ wr” 读音规律 教学过程 听录音回答下列问题 Where did Daming go ? What did grandma and cousin Simon do ? How did they go to the flat ? H ow did Daming’s feeling about New York ? What does Daming want to do in America? Daming went to New York yesterday . They met Daming at the airport . They went in a yellow taxi to their flat. New York is very beautiful. He wants to try American food .and he wants to find out America. 本课知识点 动词:met 原型meet went原型 go made原型make arrived原型 arrive 短语 at the airport 在飞机场 go in a yellow taxi 上了一辆黄色出租车 make ..for 为谁做 want to 想干 try to 试图干 findout 找到 句子:Grandma made Chinese food for me. I want to try American food . I will write again soon. 课堂小测 用where .what.when.who.how.how many.how old.what colour填空。 _____is the man in brown?Mr Brown. _____is Tom?He’s in the tree. ____ teachers are in your school?Fifty _____is near the green house?A car. ____is your mother?Forty-two. _____are the walls?They’re white. _____do you go to school?By bike . ______do you get up everyday?At 7 o’clock. Who Where How many What How old What colour How When Homework 回家后问 自己的家长的旅游经过


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