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指令设计实例 练习: 练习: 练习: * A clock cycle is the basic unit of time to execute one operation/pipeline stage/etc. 指令功能分类 指令功能分类 指令集中不同功能指令使用频率情况: 指令系统分类 指令系统按访存类型分类: 堆栈型 累加器型 通用寄存器型:寄存器-寄存器型,寄存器-存储器型型 指令系统分类 Classifying Instruction Set Architectures Once byte ordering in memory is determined , the hardware designer Must make some decisions on how the CPU should store date, this is the Most basic means to differentiate ISAs . There are three choices: ◆ A stack architecture Stack architecture use a stack to execute instructions, and the operands are (implicitly) found on top of the stack . ◆ An accumulator architecture With one operand implicitly in the accumulator , minimize the internal complexity to the machine and allow for very short instructions. But because the accumulator is only temporary storage, memory traffic is very high. ◆ A general purpose register (GRP) architecture with use sets of general purpose registers, are the most widely accepted models for machine architecture today. The general purpose register (GRP) architecture can be broken into two classifications , depending on where the operands are Located ■ register-memory architectures where at least one operand is in a register and one is in memory ■ Load-store architectures require data to be moved into register before any operations on that data are performed. Classifying Instruction Set Architectures 指令格式 寻址技术 指令功能及分类 指令系统发展 指令设计实例 topic 指令系统发展 指令系统部分内容 近代指令集系统:MIPS, Power PC,Precision Architecture ,SPARC 较老的系统结构:80X86, IBM360/370, VAX 计算机指令系统的发展 Real-word examples of ISAs Intel Intel uses a little endian ,two-addressing architecture, with variable-length instructions. Intel processors use a register-memory architecture , which means all instructions can operate on a memory location, but the other operand must be a register, this ISA allows variable-length operations, op


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