内部短路模型研究锂电池安全性 NREL at AABC09.pptx

内部短路模型研究锂电池安全性 NREL at AABC09.pptx

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内部短路模型研究锂电池安全性 NREL at AABC09

Lithium-Ion Battery Safety Study UsingMulti-Physics Internal Short-Circuit ModelThe 5th Intl. Symposium onLarge Lithium-Ion Battery Technology and Applicationin Conjunction with AABC09June 9-10, 2009, Long Beach, CAGi-Heon Kim, Kandler Smith, Ahmad PesaranNational Renewable Energy LaboratoryGolden, Coloradogi-heon.kim@nrel.govThis research activity is funded by US DOE’s ABRT program (Dave Howell)NREL/PR-540-45856NREL is a national laboratory of the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, operated by the Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC. Background ? NREL’s Li-ion thermal abuse modeling study was started under the Advanced Technology Development (ATD) program; it is currently funded by Advanced Battery Research for Transportation (ABRT) program. ? NREL’s previous model study ? focused on understanding the interaction between heat transfer and exothermic abuse reaction propagation for a particular cell/module design, and ? provided insight on how thermal characteristics and conditions can impact safety events of lithium-ion batteries.Total Volumetric Heat Release from Component Reactions481216202428323640 sec2National Renewable Energy LaboratoryInnovation for Our Energy Future Focus Here: Internal Short-Circuit? Li-Ion thermal runaway due to internal short-circuit is a major safety concern. ? Other safety concerns may be controlled by electrical and mechanical methods.? Initial latent defects leading to later internal shorts may not be easily controlled, and evolve into a hard short through various mechanisms: separator wear-out, metal dissolution and deposition on electrode surface, or extraneous metal debris penetration, etc.? Thermal behavior of a lithium-ion battery system for an internal short- circuit depends on various factors such as nature of the short , cell capacity, electrochemical characteristics of a cell, electrical and thermal designs, system load, etc.? Internal short-circuit is a multi-physics, 3-dimentional p



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